[flang-commits] [flang] 209bc67 - [flang][fir][NFC] Move CharacterType and BoxCharType to TableGen type definition

via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 16 18:15:34 PST 2021

Author: Valentin Clement
Date: 2021-02-16T21:15:25-05:00
New Revision: 209bc67b78f4777be6d37ce721d5ba1d700e3acc

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/209bc67b78f4777be6d37ce721d5ba1d700e3acc
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/209bc67b78f4777be6d37ce721d5ba1d700e3acc.diff

LOG: [flang][fir][NFC] Move CharacterType and BoxCharType to TableGen type definition

This patch is a follow up of D96422 and move CharacterType and BoxCharType to

Reviewed By: schweitz

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96446




diff  --git a/flang/include/flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIROps.td b/flang/include/flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIROps.td
index 89665689aa6f..21433f8f3c3e 100644
--- a/flang/include/flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIROps.td
+++ b/flang/include/flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIROps.td
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ def fir_Type : Type<CPred<"fir::isa_fir_or_std_type($_self)">,
     "FIR dialect type">;
 // Fortran intrinsic types
-def fir_CharacterType : Type<CPred<"$_self.isa<fir::CharacterType>()">,
-    "FIR character type">;
 def fir_ComplexType : Type<CPred<"$_self.isa<fir::ComplexType>()">,
     "FIR complex type">;
 def fir_IntegerType : Type<CPred<"$_self.isa<fir::IntegerType>()">,
@@ -84,10 +82,6 @@ def fir_PointerType : Type<CPred<"$_self.isa<fir::PointerType>()">,
 def AnyReferenceLike : TypeConstraint<Or<[fir_ReferenceType.predicate,
     fir_HeapType.predicate, fir_PointerType.predicate]>, "any reference">;
-// CHARACTER type descriptor. A pair of a data reference and a LEN value.
-def fir_BoxCharType : Type<CPred<"$_self.isa<fir::BoxCharType>()">,
-    "box character type">;
 // PROCEDURE POINTER descriptor. A pair that can capture a host closure.
 def fir_BoxProcType : Type<CPred<"$_self.isa<fir::BoxProcType>()">,
     "box procedure type">;

diff  --git a/flang/include/flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIRType.h b/flang/include/flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIRType.h
index a80c402000d2..c65565a82f61 100644
--- a/flang/include/flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIRType.h
+++ b/flang/include/flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIRType.h
@@ -42,9 +42,7 @@ class FIROpsDialect;
 using KindTy = unsigned;
 namespace detail {
-struct BoxCharTypeStorage;
 struct BoxProcTypeStorage;
-struct CharacterTypeStorage;
 struct ComplexTypeStorage;
 struct HeapTypeStorage;
 struct IntegerTypeStorage;
@@ -98,37 +96,6 @@ mlir::Type dyn_cast_ptrEleTy(mlir::Type t);
 // Intrinsic types
-/// Model of the Fortran CHARACTER intrinsic type, including the KIND type
-/// parameter. The model optionally includes a LEN type parameter. A
-/// CharacterType is thus the type of both a single character value and a
-/// character with a LEN parameter.
-class CharacterType
-    : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<CharacterType, mlir::Type,
-                                  detail::CharacterTypeStorage> {
-  using Base::Base;
-  using LenType = std::int64_t;
-  static CharacterType get(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt, KindTy kind, LenType len);
-  /// Return unknown length CHARACTER type.
-  static CharacterType getUnknownLen(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt, KindTy kind) {
-    return get(ctxt, kind, unknownLen());
-  }
-  /// Return length 1 CHARACTER type.
-  static CharacterType getSingleton(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt, KindTy kind) {
-    return get(ctxt, kind, singleton());
-  }
-  KindTy getFKind() const;
-  /// CHARACTER is a singleton and has a LEN of 1.
-  static constexpr LenType singleton() { return 1; }
-  /// CHARACTER has an unknown LEN property.
-  static constexpr LenType unknownLen() { return -1; }
-  /// Access to a CHARACTER's LEN property. Defaults to 1.
-  LenType getLen() const;
 /// Model of a Fortran COMPLEX intrinsic type, including the KIND type
 /// parameter. COMPLEX is a floating point type with a real and imaginary
 /// member.
@@ -176,17 +143,6 @@ class RealType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<RealType, mlir::Type,
 // FIR support types
-/// The type of a pair that describes a CHARACTER variable. Specifically, a
-/// CHARACTER consists of a reference to a buffer (the string value) and a LEN
-/// type parameter (the runtime length of the buffer).
-class BoxCharType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<BoxCharType, mlir::Type,
-                                                detail::BoxCharTypeStorage> {
-  using Base::Base;
-  static BoxCharType get(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt, KindTy kind);
-  CharacterType getEleTy() const;
 /// The type of a pair that describes a PROCEDURE reference. Pointers to
 /// internal procedures must carry an additional reference to the host's
 /// variables that are referenced.

diff  --git a/flang/include/flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIRTypes.td b/flang/include/flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIRTypes.td
index ced993ea21d1..e1bff3838daa 100644
--- a/flang/include/flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIRTypes.td
+++ b/flang/include/flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIRTypes.td
@@ -115,4 +115,64 @@ def ShapeShiftType : FIR_Type<"ShapeShift", "shapeshift"> {
+def fir_CharacterType : FIR_Type<"Character", "char"> {
+  let summary = "FIR character type";
+  let description = [{
+    Model of the Fortran CHARACTER intrinsic type, including the KIND type
+    parameter. The model optionally includes a LEN type parameter. A
+    CharacterType is thus the type of both a single character value and a
+    character with a LEN parameter.
+  }];
+  let parameters = (ins "KindTy":$FKind, "CharacterType::LenType":$len);
+  let extraClassDeclaration = [{
+    using KindTy = unsigned;
+    using LenType = std::int64_t;
+    // Return unknown length CHARACTER type.
+    static CharacterType getUnknownLen(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt, KindTy kind) {
+      return get(ctxt, kind, unknownLen());
+    }
+    // Return length 1 CHARACTER type.
+    static CharacterType getSingleton(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt, KindTy kind) {
+      return get(ctxt, kind, singleton());
+    }
+    // CHARACTER is a singleton and has a LEN of 1.
+    static constexpr LenType singleton() { return 1; }
+    // CHARACTER has an unknown LEN property.
+    static constexpr LenType unknownLen() { return -1; }
+  }];
+def fir_BoxCharType : FIR_Type<"BoxChar", "boxchar"> {
+  let summary = "CHARACTER type descriptor.";
+  let description = [{
+    The type of a pair that describes a CHARACTER variable. Specifically, a
+    CHARACTER consists of a reference to a buffer (the string value) and a LEN
+    type parameter (the runtime length of the buffer).
+  }];
+  let parameters = (ins "KindTy":$kind);
+  let printer = [{
+    $_printer << "boxchar<" << getImpl()->kind << ">";
+  }];
+  let genAccessors = 1;
+  let extraClassDeclaration = [{
+    using KindTy = unsigned;
+    // a !fir.boxchar<k> always wraps a !fir.char<k, ?>
+    CharacterType getElementType(mlir::MLIRContext *context) const;
+    CharacterType getEleTy() const;
+  }];

diff  --git a/flang/lib/Optimizer/Dialect/FIRType.cpp b/flang/lib/Optimizer/Dialect/FIRType.cpp
index 4001169104af..1ddf6477b175 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Optimizer/Dialect/FIRType.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Optimizer/Dialect/FIRType.cpp
@@ -58,37 +58,11 @@ TYPE parseTypeSingleton(mlir::DialectAsmParser &parser, mlir::Location) {
   return TYPE::get(ty);
-// `boxchar` `<` kind `>`
-BoxCharType parseBoxChar(mlir::DialectAsmParser &parser) {
-  return parseKindSingleton<BoxCharType>(parser);
 // `boxproc` `<` return-type `>`
 BoxProcType parseBoxProc(mlir::DialectAsmParser &parser, mlir::Location loc) {
   return parseTypeSingleton<BoxProcType>(parser, loc);
-// `char` `<` kind [`,` `len`] `>`
-CharacterType parseCharacter(mlir::DialectAsmParser &parser) {
-  int kind = 0;
-  if (parser.parseLess() || parser.parseInteger(kind)) {
-    parser.emitError(parser.getCurrentLocation(), "kind value expected");
-    return {};
-  }
-  CharacterType::LenType len = 1;
-  if (mlir::succeeded(parser.parseOptionalComma())) {
-    if (mlir::succeeded(parser.parseOptionalQuestion())) {
-      len = fir::CharacterType::unknownLen();
-    } else if (!mlir::succeeded(parser.parseInteger(len))) {
-      parser.emitError(parser.getCurrentLocation(), "len value expected");
-      return {};
-    }
-  }
-  if (parser.parseGreater())
-    return {};
-  return CharacterType::get(parser.getBuilder().getContext(), kind, len);
 // `complex` `<` kind `>`
 fir::ComplexType parseComplex(mlir::DialectAsmParser &parser) {
   return parseKindSingleton<fir::ComplexType>(parser);
@@ -325,17 +299,20 @@ mlir::Type fir::parseFirType(FIROpsDialect *dialect,
   if (mlir::failed(parser.parseKeyword(&typeNameLit)))
     return {};
+  // TODO all TYPE::parse can be move to generatedTypeParser when all types
+  // have been moved
   auto loc = parser.getEncodedSourceLoc(parser.getNameLoc());
   if (typeNameLit == "array")
     return parseSequence(parser, loc);
   if (typeNameLit == "box")
     return generatedTypeParser(dialect->getContext(), parser, typeNameLit);
   if (typeNameLit == "boxchar")
-    return parseBoxChar(parser);
+    return generatedTypeParser(dialect->getContext(), parser, typeNameLit);
   if (typeNameLit == "boxproc")
     return parseBoxProc(parser, loc);
   if (typeNameLit == "char")
-    return parseCharacter(parser);
+    return generatedTypeParser(dialect->getContext(), parser, typeNameLit);
   if (typeNameLit == "complex")
     return parseComplex(parser);
   if (typeNameLit == "field")
@@ -378,39 +355,6 @@ namespace detail {
 // Type storage classes
-/// `CHARACTER` storage
-struct CharacterTypeStorage : public mlir::TypeStorage {
-  using KeyTy = std::tuple<KindTy, CharacterType::LenType>;
-  static unsigned hashKey(const KeyTy &key) {
-    auto hashVal = llvm::hash_combine(std::get<0>(key));
-    return llvm::hash_combine(hashVal, llvm::hash_combine(std::get<1>(key)));
-  }
-  bool operator==(const KeyTy &key) const {
-    return key == KeyTy{getFKind(), getLen()};
-  }
-  static CharacterTypeStorage *construct(mlir::TypeStorageAllocator &allocator,
-                                         const KeyTy &key) {
-    auto *storage = allocator.allocate<CharacterTypeStorage>();
-    return new (storage)
-        CharacterTypeStorage{std::get<0>(key), std::get<1>(key)};
-  }
-  KindTy getFKind() const { return kind; }
-  CharacterType::LenType getLen() const { return len; }
-  KindTy kind;
-  CharacterType::LenType len;
-  CharacterTypeStorage() = delete;
-  explicit CharacterTypeStorage(KindTy kind, CharacterType::LenType len)
-      : kind{kind}, len{len} {}
 struct SliceTypeStorage : public mlir::TypeStorage {
   using KeyTy = unsigned;
@@ -549,35 +493,6 @@ struct RealTypeStorage : public mlir::TypeStorage {
   explicit RealTypeStorage(KindTy kind) : kind{kind} {}
-/// Boxed CHARACTER object type
-struct BoxCharTypeStorage : public mlir::TypeStorage {
-  using KeyTy = KindTy;
-  static unsigned hashKey(const KeyTy &key) { return llvm::hash_combine(key); }
-  bool operator==(const KeyTy &key) const { return key == getFKind(); }
-  static BoxCharTypeStorage *construct(mlir::TypeStorageAllocator &allocator,
-                                       KindTy kind) {
-    auto *storage = allocator.allocate<BoxCharTypeStorage>();
-    return new (storage) BoxCharTypeStorage{kind};
-  }
-  KindTy getFKind() const { return kind; }
-  // a !fir.boxchar<k> always wraps a !fir.char<k, ?>
-  CharacterType getElementType(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt) const {
-    return CharacterType::getUnknownLen(ctxt, getFKind());
-  }
-  KindTy kind;
-  BoxCharTypeStorage() = delete;
-  explicit BoxCharTypeStorage(KindTy kind) : kind{kind} {}
 /// Boxed PROCEDURE POINTER object type
 struct BoxProcTypeStorage : public mlir::TypeStorage {
   using KeyTy = mlir::Type;
@@ -872,19 +787,6 @@ mlir::Type dyn_cast_ptrEleTy(mlir::Type t) {
 } // namespace fir
-CharacterType fir::CharacterType::get(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt, KindTy kind,
-                                      CharacterType::LenType len) {
-  return Base::get(ctxt, kind, len);
-KindTy fir::CharacterType::getFKind() const { return getImpl()->getFKind(); }
-CharacterType::LenType fir::CharacterType::getLen() const {
-  return getImpl()->getLen();
 // Len
 LenType fir::LenType::get(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt) {
@@ -934,16 +836,6 @@ fir::BoxType::verifyConstructionInvariants(mlir::Location, mlir::Type eleTy,
   return mlir::success();
-// BoxChar<C>
-BoxCharType fir::BoxCharType::get(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt, KindTy kind) {
-  return Base::get(ctxt, kind);
-CharacterType fir::BoxCharType::getEleTy() const {
-  return getImpl()->getElementType(getContext());
 // BoxProc<T>
 BoxProcType fir::BoxProcType::get(mlir::Type elementType) {
@@ -1240,31 +1132,12 @@ void fir::verifyIntegralType(mlir::Type type) {
 void fir::printFirType(FIROpsDialect *, mlir::Type ty,
                        mlir::DialectAsmPrinter &p) {
   auto &os = p.getStream();
-  if (auto type = ty.dyn_cast<BoxCharType>()) {
-    os << "boxchar<" << type.getEleTy().cast<fir::CharacterType>().getFKind()
-       << '>';
-    return;
-  }
   if (auto type = ty.dyn_cast<BoxProcType>()) {
     os << "boxproc<";
     os << '>';
-  if (auto chTy = ty.dyn_cast<CharacterType>()) {
-    // Fortran intrinsic type CHARACTER
-    os << "char<" << chTy.getFKind();
-    auto len = chTy.getLen();
-    if (len != fir::CharacterType::singleton()) {
-      os << ',';
-      if (len == fir::CharacterType::unknownLen())
-        os << '?';
-      else
-        os << len;
-    }
-    os << '>';
-    return;
-  }
   if (auto type = ty.dyn_cast<fir::ComplexType>()) {
     // Fortran intrinsic type COMPLEX
     os << "complex<" << type.getFKind() << '>';
@@ -1387,15 +1260,13 @@ bool fir::isa_unknown_size_box(mlir::Type t) {
   return false;
-namespace fir {
 // BoxType
 // `box` `<` type (',' affine-map)? `>`
-mlir::Type BoxType::parse(mlir::MLIRContext *context,
-                          mlir::DialectAsmParser &parser) {
+mlir::Type fir::BoxType::parse(mlir::MLIRContext *context,
+                               mlir::DialectAsmParser &parser) {
   mlir::Type ofTy;
   if (parser.parseLess() || parser.parseType(ofTy)) {
     parser.emitError(parser.getCurrentLocation(), "expected type parameter");
@@ -1416,7 +1287,7 @@ mlir::Type BoxType::parse(mlir::MLIRContext *context,
   return get(ofTy, map);
-void BoxType::print(::mlir::DialectAsmPrinter &printer) const {
+void fir::BoxType::print(::mlir::DialectAsmPrinter &printer) const {
   printer << "box<";
   if (auto map = getLayoutMap()) {
@@ -1426,4 +1297,65 @@ void BoxType::print(::mlir::DialectAsmPrinter &printer) const {
   printer << '>';
-} // namespace fir
+// BoxCharType
+mlir::Type fir::BoxCharType::parse(mlir::MLIRContext *context,
+                                   mlir::DialectAsmParser &parser) {
+  int kind = 0;
+  if (parser.parseLess() || parser.parseInteger(kind) ||
+      parser.parseGreater()) {
+    parser.emitError(parser.getCurrentLocation(), "kind value expected");
+    return Type();
+  }
+  return get(context, kind);
+fir::BoxCharType::getElementType(mlir::MLIRContext *context) const {
+  return CharacterType::getUnknownLen(context, getKind());
+CharacterType fir::BoxCharType::getEleTy() const {
+  return getElementType(getContext());
+// CharacterType
+// `char` `<` kind [`,` `len`] `>`
+mlir::Type fir::CharacterType::parse(mlir::MLIRContext *context,
+                                     mlir::DialectAsmParser &parser) {
+  int kind = 0;
+  if (parser.parseLess() || parser.parseInteger(kind)) {
+    parser.emitError(parser.getCurrentLocation(), "kind value expected");
+    return Type();
+  }
+  CharacterType::LenType len = 1;
+  if (mlir::succeeded(parser.parseOptionalComma())) {
+    if (mlir::succeeded(parser.parseOptionalQuestion())) {
+      len = fir::CharacterType::unknownLen();
+    } else if (!mlir::succeeded(parser.parseInteger(len))) {
+      parser.emitError(parser.getCurrentLocation(), "len value expected");
+      return Type();
+    }
+  }
+  if (parser.parseGreater())
+    return Type();
+  return get(context, kind, len);
+void fir::CharacterType::print(::mlir::DialectAsmPrinter &printer) const {
+  printer << "char<" << getFKind();
+  auto len = getLen();
+  if (len != fir::CharacterType::singleton()) {
+    printer << ',';
+    if (len == fir::CharacterType::unknownLen())
+      printer << '?';
+    else
+      printer << len;
+  }
+  printer << '>';


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