[flang-commits] [flang] bb2f6f6 - [flang] Added test for specification expressions

Pete Steinfeld via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jun 12 15:15:22 PDT 2020

Author: Pete Steinfeld
Date: 2020-06-12T15:13:24-07:00
New Revision: bb2f6f66c7f3189a3f9d2ea22ed9be6a3b8f5458

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/bb2f6f66c7f3189a3f9d2ea22ed9be6a3b8f5458
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/bb2f6f66c7f3189a3f9d2ea22ed9be6a3b8f5458.diff

LOG: [flang] Added test for specification expressions

I added a test the exercises all of the cases instances of specification expressions as defined in section 10.1.11.

Summary: [flang] Added test for specification expressions

Reviewers: tskeith, klausler, DavidTruby

Subscribers: llvm-commits

Tags: #llvm

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D81759




diff  --git a/flang/test/Semantics/spec-expr.f90 b/flang/test/Semantics/spec-expr.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..df856b3bd8dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flang/test/Semantics/spec-expr.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+! RUN: %S/test_errors.sh %s %t %f18
+! Tests for the 14 items that specify a "specification expression" in section
+! 10.1.11
+! a constant or subobject of a constant,
+subroutine s1()
+  type dType
+    integer :: field
+  end type dType
+  type(dType), parameter :: dConst = dType(3)
+  real, dimension(3) :: realVar1
+  real, dimension(dConst%field) :: realVar2
+end subroutine s1
+! an object designator with a base object that is a dummy argument that has 
+! neither the OPTIONAL nor the INTENT (OUT) attribute,
+subroutine s2(inArg, inoutArg, outArg, optArg)
+  integer, intent(in) :: inArg
+  integer, intent(inout) :: inoutArg
+  integer, intent(out) :: outArg
+  integer, intent(in), optional :: optArg
+  real, dimension(inArg) :: realVar1
+  real, dimension(inoutArg) :: realVar2
+  !ERROR: Invalid specification expression: reference to INTENT(OUT) dummy argument 'outarg'
+  real, dimension(outArg) :: realVar3
+  !ERROR: Invalid specification expression: reference to OPTIONAL dummy argument 'optarg'
+  real, dimension(optArg) :: realVar4
+  outArg = 3
+end subroutine s2
+! an object designator with a base object that is in a common block,
+subroutine s3()
+  integer :: intVar
+  common intCommonVar
+  real, dimension(intCommonVar) :: realVar
+end subroutine s3
+! an object designator with a base object that is made accessible by
+!    use or host association,
+module m4
+  integer :: intVar
+end module m4
+subroutine s4()
+  use m4
+  real, dimension(intVar) :: realVar
+end subroutine s4
+! an array constructor where each element and each scalar-int-expr of 
+!   each ac-implied-do-control is a restricted expression,
+subroutine s5()
+  real, dimension(storage_size([1,2])) :: realVar
+end subroutine s5
+! a structure constructor where each component is a restricted expression,
+subroutine s6()
+  type :: dType
+    integer :: field1
+    integer :: field2
+  end type dType
+  real, dimension(storage_size(dType(1, 2))) :: realArray
+end subroutine s6
+! a specification inquiry where each designator or argument is
+!   (a) a restricted expression or
+subroutine s7a()
+  real, dimension(3) :: realArray1
+  real, dimension(size(realArray1)) :: realArray2
+end subroutine s7a
+! a specification inquiry where each designator or argument is
+!   (b) a variable that is not an optional dummy argument, and whose
+!     properties inquired about are not
+!     (i)   dependent on the upper bound of the last dimension of an 
+!       assumed-size array,
+subroutine s7bi(assumedArg)
+  integer, dimension(2, *) :: assumedArg
+  real, dimension(ubound(assumedArg, 1)) :: realArray1
+  ! Should be an error since 2 is the last dimension of an assumed-size array
+  real, dimension(ubound(assumedArg, 2)) :: realArray2
+end subroutine s7bi
+! a specification inquiry where each designator or argument is
+!   (b) a variable that is not an optional dummy argument, and whose
+!     properties inquired about are not
+!     (ii)  deferred, or
+subroutine s7bii(dummy)
+  character(len=:), pointer :: dummy
+  ! Should be an error since "dummy" is deferred, but all compilers handle it
+  real, dimension(len(dummy)) :: realArray
+end subroutine s7bii
+! a specification inquiry where each designator or argument is
+!   (b) a variable that is not an optional dummy argument, and whose
+!     properties inquired about are not
+!  (iii) defined by an expression that is not a restricted expression,
+subroutine s7biii()
+  integer, parameter :: localConst = 5
+  integer :: local = 5
+  ! OK, since "localConst" is a constant
+  real, dimension(localConst) :: realArray1
+  !ERROR: Invalid specification expression: reference to local entity 'local'
+  real, dimension(local) :: realArray2
+end subroutine s7biii
+! a specification inquiry that is a constant expression,
+subroutine s8()
+  integer :: iVar
+  real, dimension(bit_size(iVar)) :: realArray
+end subroutine s8
+! a reference to the intrinsic function PRESENT,
+subroutine s9(optArg)
+  integer, optional :: optArg
+  real, dimension(merge(3, 4, present(optArg))) :: realArray
+end subroutine s9
+! a reference to any other standard intrinsic function where each
+!   argument is a restricted expression,
+subroutine s10()
+  integer :: iVar
+  real, dimension(bit_size(iVar)) :: realArray
+end subroutine s10
+! a reference to a transformational function from the intrinsic module 
+!   is a restricted expression,
+subroutine s11()
+  use ieee_exceptions
+  real, dimension(merge(3, 4, ieee_support_halting(ieee_invalid))) :: realArray
+end subroutine s11
+! a reference to a specification function where each argument is a 
+!   restricted expression,
+module m12
+  contains
+    pure function specFunc(arg)
+      integer, intent(in) :: arg
+      integer :: specFunc
+      specFunc = 3 + arg
+    end function specFunc
+end module m12
+subroutine s12()
+  use m12
+  real, dimension(specFunc(2)) :: realArray
+end subroutine s12
+! a type parameter of the derived type being defined,
+subroutine s13()
+  type :: dtype(param)
+    integer, len :: param
+    real, dimension(param) :: realField
+  end type dtype
+end subroutine s13
+! an ac-do-variable within an array constructor where each 
+!   scalar-int-expr of the corresponding ac-implied-do-control is a restricted 
+!   expression, or
+subroutine s14()
+  real, dimension(5) :: realField = [(i, i = 1, 5)]
+end subroutine s14
+! a restricted expression enclosed in parentheses,where each subscript, 
+!   section subscript, substring starting point, substring ending point, and 
+!   type parameter value is a restricted expression
+subroutine s15()
+  type :: dtype(param)
+    integer, len :: param
+    real, dimension((param + 2)) :: realField
+  end type dtype
+end subroutine s15


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