[clangd-dev] clangd and cross compiled projects

Kai Ting via clangd-dev clangd-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 4 23:48:46 PST 2020


Is there a way to pass a compile target flag to clangd? I primarily work
with code cross-compiled using the Hexagon clang tool chain. The vanilla
clang on my host PC generates a lot of errors for inline ASM code (e.g
"unknown register name 'r0' in asm"). I noticed that I can pass
"-ferror-limit=0" in compile_commands.json so that the number of
diagnostics can exceed the default 20. This makes make wonder whether I can
just tell clangd the target architecture. I tried but it seems architecture
flags are ignored by clangd.

I verified that the official LLVM 9 binary can generate Hexgon code - e.g.
"clang -target hexagon -c test.c" generates a valid .o output with hexagon
assembly.  So it seems not far fetched that one can make clangd support
various registered targets of llvm. If this is possible and not
implemented, I'd like to contribute.

Before migrating to clangd, I have been using libclang based plugin
YouCompleteMe. This works out well for my purpose since I can switch
libclang used by YCM with libclang from the Hexagon tool chain.
Unfortunately, this is not possible with clangd.

Thanks for the great work!

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