[cfe-users] Running 'scan-build' in SRD's test cases (NIST)

Lucas Kanashiro kanashiro.duarte at gmail.com
Sat Feb 15 05:58:33 PST 2014

I am trying to running 'scan-build' in Juliet suite testcase v1.2 (NIST
indication) to catch some bugs of 'Division by zero' (CWE 369) and I
can't do it, the scan-build can't show me the existing bugs. Did someone
try to do it yet?

I have a doubt that scan-build can identify a bug of division by zero in
this case (when parameter denominator is zero):

int divide (int denominator) {
	return 10/denominator;

Can someone help me? Is this a deficiency of scan-build? Can scan-build
identify the bugs in Juliet suite?

Thanks in advance!

Lucas Kanashiro Duarte
Engenharia de Software - FGA/UnB
kanashiro.duarte at gmail.com

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