[cfe-users] Is Clang my solution?

David Blaikie dblaikie at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 11:11:34 PST 2013

Here are some details on rewriting tools:

On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 12:54 PM, Pedro Delgado Perez
<pedro.delgadoperez at mail.uca.es> wrote:
> Hello,
> I don't need any information about the plugin, but I would like to know if
> Clang is what I need and I wonder if you could help me because I'm a bit
> lost. Well, what I need is to parser a C++ program in order to ger some
> information about the code and, after that, to change the code regarding
> that information collected. For instance, if I have this function:
> 1 int addition (int a, int b){
> 2       return a + b;
> 3 };
> I would need to know that there is a plus sign (+) and where it is located
> in the code. So i would need the compiler told me there is a + sign in the
> second line.
> Once i have that information,the next step would be to parse the code again
> to turn that + sign into another sign, for instance, the multiplication
> sign:
> int addition (int a, int b){
>         return a * b;
> };
> Could I do what i want with Clang? I don't want to write a whole parser for
> C++, that would be really though and I'm looking for a solution. I would
> need to collect more information apart from arithmetic operators such as all
> the constant values or even the inheritance hierarchy among classes if a
> program uses object-oriented features.
> I hope you could lend me a hand. Thanks in advance.
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