[cfe-users] Parse type declarations with clang ASTConsumer?

Bobby Fairman bobby.fairman at mail.com
Tue Feb 5 07:55:13 PST 2013

Hi, I'm new to clang and am trying to parse and model c/c++ variable type declarations and function prototypes (ie. "int foo[123]" or "long __thiscall BarClass::Funk1( long, int ** )" ) with clang, similar to how the cdecl tool works (but has to work with c++).

I tried extending HandleTopLevelDecl() from ASTConsumer when parsing a decaration. Is this the correct way to go?

I am having trouble drilling down into the clang::Decl objects that HandleTopLevelDecl is giving me. Can anybody point me in the direction or examples of the correct way to pull out all the type information?

Many thanks!!

- B
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