[cfe-dev] Make command line support for C++20 module uniform with GCC

Richard Smith via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Oct 28 21:18:42 PDT 2021

On Thu, 28 Oct 2021, 20:45 chuanqi.xcq, <yedeng.yd at linux.alibaba.com> wrote:

>    The disuccsion is really helpful!
>    I think it may be implementable to support two strategy in clang:
> (1) Produce .pcm and .o in a single compilation.
> (2) Produce .pcm and .o separetely.
>    At least the first choice may be friendly to the beginners. From my
> point of view, no matter what the conclusion of SG15 is, it would be better
> to compile a hello world example in one line.
> So the needs for C++20 module that I summarized from the thread now
> includes:
> (a) Offer a legtimate option to the users instead of `-Xclang` option.

This is already possible with --precompile.

(b) Offer a strategy to produce .pcm and .o in a single compilation.
> (c) Make the compilation results independent from the order of the input
> line.
> (d) Reduce the .pcm.
> (a) should be easiest and we don't discuss it more. (b) (c) (d) needs
> further discussions about should/how we do it.
> If every agree on the needs list, I would like to open 4 issues in
> bugzilla. I think it would be a better place to manage the needs.

Opening bugs for (b) (c) (d) sounds reasonable at least.

> Chuanqi
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> From:David Blaikie <dblaikie at gmail.com>
> Send Time:2021年10月29日(星期五) 09:06
> To:Richard Smith <richard at metafoo.co.uk>
> Cc:chuanqi.xcq <yedeng.yd at linux.alibaba.com>; cfe-dev <
> cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org>
> Subject:Re: [cfe-dev] Make command line support for C++20 module uniform
> with GCC
> On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 5:51 PM Richard Smith <richard at metafoo.co.uk>
> wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Oct 2021 at 17:06, David Blaikie <dblaikie at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 4:58 PM Richard Smith via cfe-dev <
> cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Oct 2021 at 01:57, chuanqi.xcq via cfe-dev <
> cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
>    Recently I am playing with C++20 modules and I found that the command
> line support of GCC
> is much better than Clang. Here is an example:
> ```C++
> // say_hello.cpp
> module;
> #include <iostream>
> #include <string_view>
> export module Hello;
> export void SayHello
>   (std::string_view const &name)
> {
>   std::cout << "Hello " << name << "!\n";
> }
> // main.cpp
> #include <string_view>
> import Hello;
> int main() {
>   SayHello("world");
>   return 0;
> }
> ```
> To compile the example, in gcc we need:
> ```
> g++ -std=c++20 -fmodules-ts say_hello.cpp main.cpp
> ```
> And in clang, we need:
> ```
> clang++ -std=c++20 -fmodules-ts -Xclang -emit-module-interface -c
> say_hello.cpp -o Hello.pcm
> clang++ -std=c++20 -fmodules-ts -fprebuilt-module-path=. main.cpp
> say_hello.cpp
> ```
> Your point is well-taken. However, some part of the extra work required
> here is that you're not doing things in the expected way.
> The above is not a correct way to enable C++20 modules in Clang:
> -fmodules-ts enables the old Modules TS mode, not C++20 modules. -std=c++20
> is enough to enable C++20 modules.
> For the '-Xclang -emit-module-interface' portion, what Clang expects is
> that files that define module interfaces are either named .cppm or are
> specified with -x c++-module. With that file type, you can use --precompile
> to produce a .pcm file (just like you'd use -E or -c to produce other kinds
> of output). For example:
> clang++ -std=c++20 say_hello.cppm --precompile -o Hello.pcm
> The above commands are also parsing say_hello.cpp twice. You can avoid
> that by using the precompiled form, say_hello.pcm, as a compilation input
> instead:
> clang++ -std=c++20 -fprebuilt-module-path=. say_hello.pcm main.cpp
> However, this is all based on a model where the PCM file contains a
> complete description of the input .cppm file, which is not a great model
> for us to use moving forward due to all the extra stuff ending up in the
> .pcm file. Currently, Clang lacks two important features here:
> 1) Produce a .pcm file and a .o file from a single compilation action.
> 2) Produce a .pcm file that contains only the information needed for an
> importer, not a complete description of the input.
> Ah, that's good to know - didn't know you were inclined/supportive of this
> direction (as the only way to build a module - or some mode that'd do it as
> two-step too?) - one of the previous counterarguments was that producing
> the .pcm without the .o unblocked consumers sooner/let the .o generation be
> done in parallel with those consumers. Is that generally known/considered
> to be too small of a benefit to be worth the build/support complexity
> compared to the minimal-pcm+.o in-one-go mode & its benefits (smaller
> .pcms)?
> I think it's likely there'll be reasonable build strategies that want to
> build a minimal PCM and a .o file with two separate actions (to maximize
> throughput in highly parallel builds), and there'll be reasonable build
> strategies that want to build them as part of the same action (to minimize
> total time in a build with less parallelism). I expect people will want
> both options to be available. The option that we currently provide --
> producing a PCM file that can be used as an input to both .o generation and
> for import -- is probably not well aligned with what most build strategies
> will want.
> Reckon there just aren't enough savings in reusing the PCM for .o
> generation compared to parsing from scratch? Not enough to justify adding
> an extra intermediate file (a full pcm that gets consumed for .o generation
> and a slim pcm that gets consumed by uses). That we'll move away from
> complete pcms entirely to only minimal pcms? Fair enough. Good to
> know/think about.
> We will of course need some command-line support for those features, and
> being compatible with GCC (which already provides these features) would
> likely make sense.
> As for building and using modules in a single clang command, I agree
> that'd be nice to have, both for convenience and for GCC compatibility. But
> ideally this shouldn't depend on what order the files are specified in on
> the command line, which would require some kind of pre-scanning to find
> which modules are defined in which files so they can be processed in
> topological order. (Otherwise, specifying the files in the wrong order
> would presumably result in stale .pcm files getting used, which would seem
> quite user-hostile. I don't know if that's what you get from GCC or if it
> does better somehow.) That kind of prescan might be more complexity than
> we'd want in the compiler driver, though we can discuss that and figure out
> where we want to draw that line.
> In any case, I'm hoping we get some clear guidance from SG15 that we can
> follow.
> Yeah, in clang we need to another line to emit module interface explicitly
> and another option
> to tell the prebuilt-module-path. And in GCC, this happens by default,
> when GCC find it is compiling
> a c++20 module, it would generate the module interface automatically to
> the path:
> ```
> gcm.cache/filename.gcm
> ```
> It would create `gcm.cache` in case it doesn't exist.
> And GCC would search prebuilt module interface in `gcm.cache`
> automatically.
> It looks much more friendly to me. The intention of this mail is to ask if
> you think it is the right direction
> to make the clang's command line support for c++20 module more like GCC.
> The different I see now includes:
> - Generate prebuilt module interface automatically. (And generate it to a
> specific directory automatically)
> - Have a default value for prebuilt module path.
> I am wondering if any one more familiar with the clang's command line and
> file system would love to
> support this (I am not so familiar with it). Although It may take more
> time, I would love to support if others are busy.
> Thanks,
> Chuanqi
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