[cfe-dev] Please register for the LLVM Bay Area Meetup!
Tanya Lattner via cfe-dev
cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Mon Oct 11 08:36:56 PDT 2021
Hello all! We are trying to get some accurate numbers for the LLVM Bay Area Meetup <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bay-area-llvm-developers-meetup-tickets-173682136947> on October 20th. Please register as soon as possible as the registration deadline is on Wednesday, Oct 13. In addition, please make sure to submit your round table proposal. We have time and space for about 10-12 round tables for the 2 hour period (ranging from 30-45 minutes each).
Link to register:
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bay-area-llvm-developers-meetup-tickets-173682136947 <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bay-area-llvm-developers-meetup-tickets-173682136947>
Link to submit a round table:
https://forms.gle/sGtbcSosSkje5Ya29 <https://forms.gle/sGtbcSosSkje5Ya29>
Below is the original announcement. I hope to see you there!
It has been almost 2 years since the last in person LLVM Developers' Meeting. In person discussions and networking are very important to maintaining the health of our community and it is the best way to exchange ideas and build connections. However, due to the current pandemic, having large indoor gatherings such as an LLVM Developers' Meeting pose safety concerns and are not an option for a large number of folks due to personal, work, or government restrictions. Therefore, the LLVM Foundation <https://foundation.llvm.org/> has planned an outdoor event with COVID-19 safety guidelines in place that we hope many LLVM developers will be able to attend.
The LLVM Bay Area Meetup <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bay-area-llvm-developers-meetup-tickets-173682136947> is a 4 hour event will be held outdoors (rain permitting) at the Mountain Winery in Saratoga, CA. It will feature 2 hours of roundtable discussions, followed by a 2 hour social and networking event. Doors open at 3:30 and round tables start at 4pm. The following rules will be in place for this event:
All guests will be required to wear masks unless eating or drinking (indoors and outdoors).
All guests must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or present a negative COVID-19 test taken no more than 72 hours before the event. This is a requirement of our venue and will be strictly enforced.
Full vaccination is two weeks after the second dose of Pfizer or Moderna, or two weeks past a single Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Acceptable documentation of vaccination may be a physical copy of a COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card or a digital copy of such card. ID will be checked along with the vaccination documentation.
A negative COVID-19 test result (molecular, PCR or antigen) should be administered by an official testing center. Test must be taken no more than 72 hours prior to entry. Home testing kit results will not be accepted for entry. ID will be checked along with negative test results documentation.
To make an appointment for free COVID-19 testing, visit the Santa Clara County website <https://covid19.sccgov.org/covid-19-testing>. Results typically come back within 24-48 hours. Mountain Winery has found this clinic that can provide results in one hour! https://www.covidclinic.org/san-jose/ <https://www.covidclinic.org/san-jose/>
Attendance is limited to 150 guests. You are encouraged to register early to secure your spot. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bay-area-llvm-developers-meetup-tickets-173682136947 <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bay-area-llvm-developers-meetup-tickets-173682136947>
If it rains, the event will be moved indoors with an upgraded HVAC system with HEPA filtering.
Food and drinks will be served at this event.
Round Tables!
If you are interested in hosting a roundtable discussion at this event, please fill out the following form: https://forms.gle/sGtbcSosSkje5Ya29 <https://forms.gle/sGtbcSosSkje5Ya29>
Ticket prices are set at $50 and are heavily subsidized by our generous sponsors. However, if you are unable to afford the ticket cost, we encourage you to contact the organizers and we can arrange alternatives.
Tickets will go on sale, October 1, 2021 at 1pm PDT. Buy tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bay-area-llvm-developers-meetup-tickets-173682136947 <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bay-area-llvm-developers-meetup-tickets-173682136947>
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