[cfe-dev] I am a newcomer

Denis Petrov via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Mar 17 06:00:42 PDT 2020

Hi, all.

I am going to be a new contributor for Clang Static Analyzer. I've been getting familiar for the last two weeks. I've already inspected git history, a bug-list?<https://bugs.llvm.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&bug_status=CONFIRMED&bug_status=REOPENED&component=Static%20Analyzer&limit=0&list_id=182719&order=product%2Cchangeddate%20DESC%2Cbug_id%20DESC&product=clang&query_format=advanced&resolution=---> and defined main contributors for it. I've read in Docs that addressing? here is a good way to assimilate.

It would be nice if you could tell if there someone who designates the roadmap or has a strategic vision for Static Analyzer. Who could advice me where to start from to bring a real impact in terms of at least fixing bugs? Maybe you could advice me a specific bug that I can start investigating. It should be easier for you to determine which one might be the one.

Many thanks!
Denys Petrov
Senior ะก++ Developer | Kharkiv, Ukraine

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