[cfe-dev] [llvm-dev] Phabricator Maintenance

Chris Lattner via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jun 30 13:38:18 PDT 2020

I want to bubble out of this discussion, because most of the conversation has been about merit of various tools, how much the cloud license costs, etc.

In my opinion, none of this actually matters.  There are much larger strategic questions that we should be talking about instead:

1) Why is LLVM special?  We are a tiny community compared to the larger GitHub community - anything that makes us “weird” (even if weird is better in some ways) increases impedance mismatch, reduces collaboration with other communities etc.  Many users of LLVM are already using GitHub for code reviews and PRs etc.

2) Why should compiler nerds :-) be working on this sort of infrastructure?  We have many talented people who are capable of doing many impressive things, why spent that energy on this?

3) Even if someone is willing to keep this going, what ongoing liability is this for the project as a whole?  Phabricator was done for the weekend, did someone’s pager go off?  What is the SLA/SLO for the new system?

As I mentioned upthread, I like Phabricator and its workflow from a personal perspective, but from a project perspective, I can’t see any reason to defend bespoke infra like this.


> On Jun 29, 2020, at 4:11 AM, Nicolai Hähnle via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 9:54 AM James Henderson via llvm-dev
> <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>> 2) Typically in our Phabricator, the description and summary of a patch is considered to be roughly what goes in the final commit message (same with Github). However, updating said commit message isn't possible to my knowledge without force-pushing in Github (which as discussed elsewhere in the thread causes other problems).
> Rebasing _should_ be how commit messages are changed. Ideally, we'd
> treat commit messages as part of the artefact under review, since good
> commit messages matter. Phabricator isn't ideal here either: by
> default, updating a patch doesn't update its commit message.
> On the GitHub side, the real problem here is how easily it loses the
> plot when you rebase.
>> 3) Marking comments as "Done" in Phabricator does not auto-hide them, whereas in Github marking a comment as "Resolved" does. Spoken from experience, this leads to situations in Github where a developer thinks they've resolved a reviewers comments, marks them as Resolved, but actually they weren't. The reviewer in turn then has to browse the comments in the summary page, to see if they have any unaddressed comments that were supposedly resolved, which given the limited context available there is a non-trivial task sometimes.
> Ideally, the "Resolved" state should be per-user. When multiple people
> review a patch, I might not want to duplicate a comment that another
> reviewer made, but I would like to confirm for myself whether an issue
> was resolved or not.
>> P.S. Thanks Mehdi/Fangrui for stepping up! Whilst I'm not opposed to working with Github towards getting the feature parity with Phabricator sorted, I don't want to switch until the two are on a par with each other, which in my opinion is not yet, so being forced to do so prematurely due to lack of maintainers would have made me very sad (P.P.S thank you Manuel for Phabricator in the first place!).
> Seconded on all counts!
> Cheers,
> Nicolai
> -- 
> Lerne, wie die Welt wirklich ist,
> aber vergiss niemals, wie sie sein sollte.
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