[cfe-dev] [RFC] Delayed target-specific diagnostic when compiling for the devices.

Alexey Bataev via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jan 17 07:52:31 PST 2019

Because the type is not compatible with the target device.

Best regards,
Alexey Bataev

17.01.2019 10:50, Finkel, Hal J. пишет:
> On 1/17/19 9:27 AM, Alexey Bataev wrote:
>> It should be compilable for the device only iff function foo is not used
>> on the device.
> Says whom? I disagree. This function should work on the device. Why
> should it not?
>  -Hal
>> -------------
>> Best regards,
>> Alexey Bataev
>> 17.01.2019 10:24, Finkel, Hal J. пишет:
>>> On 1/17/19 4:05 AM, Alexey Bataev wrote:
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Alexey Bataev
>>>>> 17 янв. 2019 г., в 0:46, Finkel, Hal J. <hfinkel at anl.gov> написал(а):
>>>>>> On 1/16/19 8:45 AM, Alexey Bataev wrote:
>>>>>> Yes, I thought about this. But we need to delay the diagnostic until
>>>>>> the Codegen phase. What I need is the way to associate the diagnostic
>>>>>> with the function so that this diagnostic is available in CodeGen.
>>>>>> Also, we need to postpone the diagnotics not only for functions,
>>>>>> but,for example, for some types. For example, __float128 type is not
>>>>>> supported by CUDA. We can get error messages when we ran into
>>>>>> something like `typedef __float128 SomeOtherType` (say, in some system
>>>>>> header files) and get the error diagnostic when we compile for the
>>>>>> device. Though, actually, this type is not used in the device code,
>>>>>> the diagnostic is still emitted and we need to delay too and emit it
>>>>>> only iff the type is used in the device code.
>>>>> This should be fixed for CUDA too, right?
>>>>> Also, we still get to have pointers to aggregates containing those types
>>>>> on the device, right?
>>>> No, why? This is not allowed and should be diagnosed too. If somebody tries somehow to use not allowed type for the device variables/functions - it should be diagnosed.
>>> Because this should be allowed. If I have:
>>> struct X {
>>>   int a;
>>>   __float128 b;
>>> };
>>> and we have some function which does this:
>>> X *foo(X *x) {
>>>   return x;
>>> }
>>> We'll certainly want this function to compile for all targets, even if
>>> there's no __float128 support on some accelerator. The whole model only
>>> really makes sense if the accelerator shares the aggregate-layout rules
>>> of the host, and this is a needless hassle for users if this causes an
>>> error (especially in a unified-memory environment where configuration
>>> data structures, etc. are shared between devices).
>>> Thanks again,
>>> Hal
>>>>> Thanks again,
>>>>> Hal
>>>>>> -------------
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Alexey Bataev
>>>>>> 15.01.2019 17:33, John McCall пишет:
>>>>>>>> On 15 Jan 2019, at 17:20, Alexey Bataev wrote:
>>>>>>>> This is not only for asm, we need to delay all target-specific
>>>>>>>> diagnostics.
>>>>>>>> I'm not saying that we need to move the host diagnostic, only the
>>>>>>>> diagnostic for the device compilation.
>>>>>>>> As for Cuda, it is a little but different. In Cuda the programmer
>>>>>>>> must explicitly mark the device functions,  while in OpenMP it must
>>>>>>>> be done implicitly. Thus, we cannot reuse the solution used for Cuda.
>>>>>>> All it means is that you can't just use the solution used for CUDA
>>>>>>> "off the shelf".  The basic idea of associating diagnostics with the
>>>>>>> current function and then emitting those diagnostics later when you
>>>>>>> realize that you have to emit that function is still completely
>>>>>>> applicable.
>>>>>>> John.
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Hal Finkel
>>>>> Lead, Compiler Technology and Programming Languages
>>>>> Leadership Computing Facility
>>>>> Argonne National Laboratory

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