[cfe-dev] [Proposal]: Devirtualizing local methods (messages) in final class in Objective-C

John McCall via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Sep 11 10:08:21 PDT 2018

> On Sep 11, 2018, at 1:47 AM, Aditya K via cfe-dev <cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> Devirtualizing local methods (messages) in final class in Objective-C
> Local Methods (passed to 'self') of a final class may be devirtualized safely. In Objective-C it is possible to define methods in a translation unit without declaring them in the interface in a header file (see: localMethod and NoDecl_localMethod in the example). The local methods are usually implemented to abstract away some functionality and is only invoked via self.
> It is possible to 'devirtualize' calls to local methods. Devirtualization is a compiler technique where a dynamic dispatch (message passed to an object) is converted to a direct function call when the compiler can determine the callee (for a specific callsite) at compile time.
> In the example shown, calls to 'NoDecl_localMethod', and 'localMethod' maybe safely devirtualized.
> //------------------------------------ Header file (a.h)
> __attribute__((objc_subclassing_restricted))
> @interface MyObject : NSObject
> - (void)publicMethod:(int)i idType:(id)ExtObject;
> @end
> //------------------------------------ Source file (a.mm)
> @interface MyObject ()
> -(void)localMethod;
> @end
> @implementation MyObject
> // no declaration required.
> - (void)NoDecl_localMethod {
>   NSLog(@"NoDecl_localMethod");
> }
> - (void)localMethod {
>   NSLog(@"localMethod");
> }
> - (void)publicMethod:(int)i
>               idType:(id)ExtObject {
>   [self NoDecl_localMethod]; // devirtualize to MyObject::NoDecl_localMethod
>   [self localMethod]; // devirtualize to MyObject::localMethod
>   [ExtObject NoDecl_localMethod]; // don't devirtualize
> }
> @end
> //------------------------------------
> Pass organization and algorithm:
> Overview of the steps: clang front-end
>     - Find all the local methods (methods which are defined only in .m/.mm file
>     - set the attribute of local methods in the front end to something like Attribute::ObjCLocalMethod to help identify them in llvm IR. 
> llvm middle-end (IPO Module level pass)
>     - Get list of local methods in a module by iterating over the method list
>     - Get method name (at a objc_msgSend callsite) by parsing selector name and inspecting the global data structures set up for tracking function pointer for each method.
>     - Devirtualize for only those callsites which are messages to 'self'
> How to track messages to self:
>     - Verify if the caller is a method (prefixed with "\01"). This seems like a hack but it is consistent with clang frontend's translation of Objective-C declaration.
>     - For a method the first argument is the pointer to self unless the method has StRet.
> This is a performance optimization in sense that it avoids a call to 'objc_msgSend'. It saves a little bit of code size in some cases.  It is possible to devirtualize even more messages for 'final' classes but that would require some more engineering effort e.g., Inferring the type of Receiver object statically, synthesizing the declaration of the callee in the caller's translation unit etc.
> The current implementation only devirtualizes local messages passed to self, as the type-inference of receiver object is not required and the declaration+definition is readily available in the same translation unit. Moreover, if we can guarantee (via design decision) that a subclass does not override a local method of a parent class, then all local methods (invoked via self) can still be devirtualized with this approach.
> I would like for Objective-C experts to point out any gotchas with the this approach or feedback for further improvement.

Objective-C allows method implementations to be replaced dynamically.  It is not obvious that `objc_subclassing_restricted` in any way prevents either this or similar techniques where a dynamic subclass is formed in order to change the implementation of a method on a particular instance.

Objective-C also allows the class of a particular instance to be changed, although I think it would be fair to restrict this to ensure that the new class is related in some reasonable way to the old class — probably that it must have the old class (ignoring dynamic subclasses) as a superclass.

There are some other concerns that apply to devirtualization in general, but not to your restricted case:
  - The receiver of a message send is generally allowed to be `nil`.
  - Objective-C is not strongly typed.  Instance-variable accesses have C-like restrictions, but otherwise static type information is defined to only be meaningful for determining the type signature for message sends, not for determining the actual dynamic type.  For example, several major libraries rely on the ability to create "proxy" objects that transparently forward most messages to another object.

Ultimately, while I think devirtualization would be very powerful in Objective-C, I think it really needs to be opted-in in some more explicit way.

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