[cfe-dev] Adding HelpText to external flags

Yuka Takahashi via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jul 13 08:34:10 PDT 2017


I'm currently working on the bash-autocompletion project as my GSoC
project, and I noticed that some external options (as opposed to cc1
internal options) lack help texts. That is inconvenient not only for users
who runs clang with --help but for me because I'm using the following
heuristics to determine whether my script should autocomplete an option or
not (we don't want to autocomplete internal options):

I'd like to propose to set a rule about command line options defined in
Options.td and their help messages. My proposal is that, if an option is
intended to be used by users, it should have a HelpText.

A command line option is considered external if it

  - has an HelpText or GroupID, and

  - doesn't have NoDriverOption, Unsupported or Ignore bit,

but the heuristic don't work quite well because some options don't have
HelpText, such as this.

def _sysroot_EQ : Joined<["--"], "sysroot=">;

So I'll be adding HelpTexts to all external options, so that they look like

 def _sysroot_EQ : Joined<["--"], "sysroot=">, HelpText<"use a given
directory as the logical root directory for headers and libraries">;

I believe this is in general a good thing to do, so when you add a new
command line flag, and if that is intended to be used by users, please
write a help message!


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