[cfe-dev] Trouble with emitting checker reports

Matthew Del Buono via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Sun Jul 2 22:48:08 PDT 2017

Hi all,

I'm working on a checker rule which is functioning well, but the bug
reports it emits are quite problematic. Instead of reporting the source
location that is interesting to the developer, it reports a very different

Through my testing I've identified that my problem comes down to my need to
emit the report late. I catch the potential trouble early, but I need to
keep exploring to ensure that the problem exists before I can emit the bug
report. As such, I don't generate the error node until later in the
analysis. I hold onto the relevant SourceRange object at the time of
detection so that I can reference it later in the report, but it doesn't
seem to be doing much of anything.

I'm using code like the following to emit my report:

            clang::ento::ExplodedNode *error =
            if (error == nullptr) {

            auto report =
llvm::make_unique<clang::ento::BugReport>(*bugType, text, error);

I've confirmed that "sourceRange" is, in fact, the desired range (and is
valid), via its dump() function. Yet in my test case, while the sourceRange
states "file:6:4 - file:6:13", I end up getting a report on the next line
(which is not interesting to the developer). I've noticed that if I emit my
report immediately, rather than holding the source range for later, the
emitted report is correct.

Is there anything special I need to do here? Or what am I doing wrong when
emitting my reports such that clang is refusing to reference my supplied
source range?

For reference, I tried to boil my checker down to a minimalist case that
reproduces my trouble (attached). I mark the source range during the call
to checkPostCall and then later emit all captured ranges during
checkEndFunction. (Note that I'm not actually using check::EndFunction in
my checker; it was just the easiest way to reproduce this.) The test file
I'm running this checker against follows, from which I expect two reports,
both on line 6, but I end up getting a single report marking the '}' on
line 7 instead:

int foo();
void bar(int);

void baz()

Thanks for any advice,
-- Matthew P. Del Buono
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