[cfe-dev] Runtime of FormatTest.MemoizationTests

Raphael Isemann via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Wed Aug 23 04:51:41 PDT 2017

Hello everyone,

On our CI infrastructure I noticed that nearly all the run time of the
test suite is spent on running the FormatTest.MemoizationTests. The
test seems to take around 15 minutes to pass which is more than all
other tests combined. I also see that there is a comment in this test
that states that "This test takes VERY long when memoization is
broken." [1].

I'm not sure if the test is supposed to take so long or if broken
memoization is causing this delay. There doesn't seem to be any bug
report open for this on bugzilla either.

Anyone has the same problem on their CI infrastructure?

- Raphael

[1] https://github.com/llvm-mirror/clang/blob/823b3849ec3e121d0f9043dfdd6e66546bcf0907/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp#L3308

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