[cfe-dev] [3.8 Release] Please write release notes!

Gábor Horváth via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Wed Mar 2 07:05:57 PST 2016

On 12 February 2016 at 01:16, Hans Wennborg via cfe-dev <
cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:

> Dear lots of people,
> The first comments on the 3.7 release expressed surprise that there
> were no changes to the X86 or ARM targets. There had of course been a
> lot of hard work and many changes, but none of it was mentioned in the
> release notes.
> Please help make the release notes more comprehensive this time. The
> notes are of course not as important as the actual code, but they do
> get read, and they are a good way of telling users about all the hard
> work you have done in the past six months.
> If you made any changes in the 3.8 time span that might be worth
> mentioning, please add them to the release notes --- it does not have
> to be big-ticket items. If you saw someone else commit something
> interesting, prod them to write a note about it.
> The 3.8-rc2 notes can be seen at [1]. To add something, commit it
> directly to the branch, or if you prefer, send me a patch or even just
> an email with some text. I would be very happy if we can get these
> into good shape by the beginning of next week.
> Some things that might be worth mentioning, in no particular order:
> (based partially on Alex Bradbury's LLVM Weekly; thanks!)
> - Intel, ARM, PowerPC, MIPS, SPARC, Hexagon, ..., target maintainers,
> please write something about your target.
> - Eric: should the new C API Changes part of the developer policy be
> pointed out? Maybe in relation to where we mention changes to the C
> API?
> - David: can you write something about the new IR for exception
> handling? Maybe just point into the ExceptionHandling doc?
> - Alex L: I've seen a lot of MIR patches but don't know the status.
> Anything to mention in the release notes?
> - Dylan: should we mention the new AVR target, or is it too early?
> - Richard: anything on the C++ front? What's the status on coroutines?
> - Jonathan and other OpenMP folks: it's no longer behind a flag; would
> be great to get some notes on this.
> - Artem: there's been a bunch of CUDA patches. Anything that should be
> mentioned in the release notes?
> - Jordan & Anna: any new checkers that should be mentioned?

I did not see any response yet, so I cherry picked some changes:

- There are better diagnostics for loading analyzer plugins, when the
static analyzer is invoked from libtooling.
- New checks introduced for iOS / OS X localizability issues.
- New warning, when a nested if has the same condition (without side
effects) as the outer if.
- New checks for the ObjC lightweight generics feature.
- New checks that utilize nullability qualifiers.
- New check to find unsafe uses of vforked projects.
- New check to detect excess padding in records.
- Better modelling memcpy.
- Better modelling messaging to nil in ObjC.
- New API to generate error nodes.
- Fixes to the modelling of pointer arithmetic.
- Better handle range switch cases.
- Better handle realloc, fix some false positives in malloc-overflow check.
- Better model const methods.
- Support for lambda functions.
- Experimental feature to widen loops. When enabled, the analyzer will have
greater coverage in code that has loops with high constant bounds.
- Generate bug hash as an identifier for each report. It can be used to
track bugs in evolving code.
- Improve the modelling of static initializers.
- Better model stack allocated blocks in Obj-C.
- Better model nullptr_t.
- Better model casts between integral types.
- Various other improvements in the analyzer engine.

Feel free to reword and pick some of those into the release notes.

> - Chih-Hung: should the notes mention the emutls-style TLS model?
> - Lang: you did a lot of work on the Kalidoscope tutorial. Maybe we
> should mention that?
> .. tell me what I missed :-)
> Thanks,
> Hans
>  [1]. http://llvm.org/pre-releases/3.8.0/#rc2.
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