[cfe-dev] Analyser - variadic arguments

Michael Tandy via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jul 28 00:29:15 PDT 2016


I'm trying to write a clang checker to detect when the number of calls to
va_arg exceeds the number of variadic arguments passed to a function. An
example bug I'd like to be able to detect is shown at the end of this

To do this, my plan is to register a map with the program state and, when
va_start or va_copy is called, create an entry describing the number of
arguments and our position within them. Then calls to va_args can be
checked to ensure they're in that range.

Currently, I'm able to detect calls to va_start and va_args, so I'll be
able to track the position within the argument list - but I'm not sure how
to go about getting the length of the list of arguments.

Can anyone advise me on how I should find the number of va_args arguments?


Here's the progress I've made so far - as you can see, it looks a lot like
the "Building a Checker in 24 hours" checker:

Example bug code:

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>

static void printArgs(int x, ...) {
    va_list args;
    va_start( args, x );
    for (int i=0 ; i<x; i++) {
        printf("%i ", va_arg(args, int));
    va_end( args );

static void printArgs2(int x, ...) {

int main () {
    printArgs(4, 1, 2, 3, 4);
    printArgs2(4, 1, 2, 3, 4);

Example bug consequences:

$ ./bin/clang ../stdarg-example2.c
$ ./a.out
1 2 3 4
1 2 0 4
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