[cfe-dev] Static constructors: _cxx_global_var_initN vs _GLOBAL__sub_I_XXX

Andrew Parker via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jan 7 01:36:06 PST 2016

I'm trying to understand more about global constructors generated by clang.
As far as I understand it, any compilation unit which requires static
constructors will cause clang to generate LLVM IR to append to the array:


This is an array of structs with 3 elements: a priority, a function pointer
and an unknown (seemingly undocumented) member.

In most cases I only ever see one element in this array (per compilation
unit) with name _GLOBAL__sub_I_Filename.cpp.

However in some more complex cases - which I've yet to pin down but I think
relates to templates - I see multiple members. Those members always seem to
look something like:


Furthermore, the last function usually just wraps other functions with
names prefixed by __cxx_global_var_init, e.g.

declare i8* @memset(i8*, i32, i64) #0
define internal void @__s3e__GLOBAL__sub_I_Filename.cpp() #0 {
  call void @__cxx_global_var_init(), !dbg !32933
  call void @__cxx_global_var_init1(), !dbg !32933
  call void @__cxx_global_var_init2(), !dbg !32933
  ret void

I'd just like to understand what the logic is behind the generation of
these functions. It looks to me like there's implicit constructor priority
however the priority member of the @llvm.global_ctors array is never used
(well, it's always 65535).

Does anyone know the secrets behind this?
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