[cfe-dev] C++11 doing double zero initialization?

Richard Smith via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 20 17:07:20 PST 2016

On 20 December 2016 at 16:39, Robinson, Paul via cfe-dev <
cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:

> Consider the following source:
>   struct C { C() = default; C(const C&); int n; };
>   const C c1 = C();
> then run it through `clang -emit-llvm -std=c++11`,
> and I see the following relevant bits:
>   %struct.C = type { i32 }
>   @_ZL2c1 = internal global %struct.C zeroinitializer, align 4
>   define internal void @__cxx_global_var_init() {{.*}} {
>   entry:
>     call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i64(i8* bitcast (%struct.C* @_ZL2c1 to
> i8*),
>       i8 0, i64 4, i32 4, i1 false)
>     ret void
>   }
> The question is: Why the memset?  Doesn't 'zeroinitializer'
> do the exact same thing?

Initialization of C++ globals is performed in two stages:

 * in the first stage ("static initialization"),
    -- if the object has a constant initializer (which C() is not, see
then object is initialized to that constant value ("constant
    -- otherwise is initialized to zero ("zero-initialization").
 * in the second stage ("dynamic initialization", which is skipped if the
first stage used constant initialization or if no initializer is provided
for a scalar type), the initializer is run.

What you're seeing here is a direct application of these rules to your

C++ allows dynamic initialization to be converted to constant
initialization if the initialization doesn't have side-effects (more or
less), and Clang uses that permission to remove some dynamic initializers,
but we don't happen to do so in this case (in either C++03 or C++11).
That's a QoI bug (and core issue 1452 may make it a correctness bug).
Either way, we should fix it.

> I don't see the memset with C++03.

The input is not valid C++03 code, due to the "= default;", and our
allowance of that construct in C++03 as an extension does something a bit
strange: the C++11 initialization rules say that -- because C::C() is not
user-provided -- we first zero-initialize the entire entire object and then
call the no-op constructor, which is why you get a memset. However, the
C++03 initialization rules are slightly different, and don't require C() to
zero-initialize in this case prior to running the constructor (you only get
the implicit zero-initialization for C() in C++03 if the class doesn't
declare any constructors at all).

I think our =default-in-C++03 extension is actually broken here, and we
should emit the memset in both languages. Given:

  struct A { A() = default; int n; };
  int f() { A a = A(); return a.n; }

... this should be guaranteed to return 0 even in C++03 mode. (Right now it
compiles to 'ret undef' in C++03.)
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