[cfe-dev] clang-tools compilation confusion

benjamin adamson via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Sat Aug 13 15:42:42 PDT 2016

Hi, I hope this is an easy question. I've been stuck with this for longer
than I care to admit, so I appreciate any help! I've been trying to setup a
new C++ project for myself, using all of the clang static analysis tools
from the start. I was able to integrate clang-format and clang-check into
my workflow no problem, but I'm unable to figure out how to compile the
extra tools along-side with my llvm installation.

I followed the steps verbatim from:

Specifically the step asking us to checkout the extra repository, and then
build the whole project.

 benjamin at benjamin-HP-Compaq-8200-Elite-SFF-PC  ~/github/build-llvm  pwd

cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../llvm/

This works find, produces a release build of the clang compiler. However,
the clang extra tools (such as clang-tidy) are not found in the bin
directory. I noticed that clang-tidy came with a python script to run it,
which I did, which failed because (I believe) clang-apply-replacements
isn't in my path.

So I went and looked for clang-apply-replacements, and I couldn't find a
python script fronting that, so I figure I need to understand why my
clang-apply-replacements binary isn't being compiled when I build

Here's the directory structure of my llvm directory, if that's at all

Thanks in advance, I'm super excited about using these tools but the
documentation around installing the extra tools is missing a bit of
hand-holding I believe. I could be wrong, thanks in advance!!

Adamson, Benjamin
adamson.benjamin at gmail.com
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