[cfe-dev] doing global unused methods analysis

Noel Grandin via cfe-dev cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org
Mon Oct 5 06:27:18 PDT 2015

Hi Manuel

That was a bad example, this is a better one (dramatically simplified from my actual code).
I can't seem to use clang-query here (I have 3.6), but dumping the AST shows my problem.

Specifically, in the below code, when I traverse the AST, there is no way to see that a call to doRegisterHandlers() is 
in fact being generated.

The relevant section of AST looks like:
CallExpr 0x328d958 <line:15:9, col:42> '<dependent type>'
| | | |   |-CXXDependentScopeMemberExpr 0x328d8d8 <col:9, col:15> '<dependent type>' lvalue
| | | |   | `-CXXThisExpr 0x328d8c0 <col:9> 'ImportFilterImpl<Generator> *' this
| | | |   `-DeclRefExpr 0x328d930 <col:34> 'Generator' lvalue Var 0x328d850 'exporter' 'Generator'

Now I know that clang is doing the right thing here, but I'm hoping there is a way I can tell it to "expand out" and 
generate more AST nodes when I hit a template instantiation?

Thanks a lot for the help!

Regards, Noel.


class XFilter
     virtual bool filter()  = 0;

template<class Generator>
class ImportFilterImpl : public XFilter
     virtual bool filter() override
         Generator exporter;

     virtual void doRegisterHandlers(Generator &) {};

template<class T>
class ImplInheritanceHelper : public T

template<class Generator>
struct ImportFilter : public ImplInheritanceHelper<ImportFilterImpl<Generator> >

class MyGenerator {};

class MainClass : public ImportFilter<MyGenerator>

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