[cfe-dev] Odd diagnostics

Robert Ankeney rrankene at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 17:52:00 PDT 2015

Thanks for the great answer! I'll look into the Tooling library.
As to the diagnostics, those are great and clear descriptions. It's a shame
they aren't in the documentation itself.

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Richard Smith <richard at metafoo.co.uk>

> On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 5:12 PM, Robert Ankeney <rrankene at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I'm seeing some strange results using a RecursiveASTVisitor on some C
>> code. The following code compiles fine with clang:
>> static __inline unsigned int
>> __bswap_32 (unsigned int __bsx)
>> {
>>   return __builtin_bswap32 (__bsx);
>> }
>> But I get the following diagnostic when calling ParseAST:
>> C:/BUG/builtin.c:4:10: error: use of unknown builtin '__builtin_bswap32'
>> return __builtin_bswap32 (__bsx);
>>          ^
>> It seems odd that I should get this error, as __builtin_bswap32() is
>> supported. Any idea why?
> If you're calling ParseAST yourself, you're likely missing quite a few of
> the necessary set up steps; in this case, the missing step is a call to
> InitializeBuiltins on the preprocessor's Builtins::Context object. It's
> generally better to use the clang Frontend library to set up and initialize
> the various components of the compiler for you; see ToolInvocation and
> ClangTool in the Tooling library for some prebuilt wrappers to make this
> easier.
>> Another interesting thing - I get the following results for each of the
>> getDiagnostics() calls:
>> hasUncompilableErrorOccurred() = True
>> hasUnrecoverableErrorOccurred() = False
>> hasFatalErrorOccurred() = False
>> hasErrorOccurred() = True
>> As a point of comparison, for the following code:
>> int foo()
>> {
>>   retrun 42;  // Typo on return
>> }
>> I get:
>> C:/Src/cp.PP/BUG/bug.c:3:3: error: use of undeclared identifier 'retrun'
>>    retrun 42;
>>    ^
>> hasUncompilableErrorOccurred() = True
>> hasUnrecoverableErrorOccurred() = True
>> hasFatalErrorOccurred() = False
>> hasErrorOccurred() = True
>> For code that generates only a warning, the above 4 calls all return
>> False.
>> I guess I'm not sure what the difference is between hasUncompilableErrorOccurred()
>> and
>> hasErrorOccurred(), or what exactly the other 2 functions do. Any
>> enlightenment there?
> In order from most specific to most general:
> hasFatalErrorOccurred() indicates whether we've emitted any "fatal error:"
> diagnostics. These are diagnostics that indicate a problem sufficiently
> severe that we don't think we could continue to emit correct diagnostics
> after emitting one. (For instance: missing a file named by #include, or
> reached the template instantiation depth limit.)
> hasUnrecoverableErrorOccurred indicates whether we think the AST is not
> essentially correct -- whether tools performing automated analysis and
> refactorings might get the wrong answer. If an unrecoverable error occurs,
> we turn off CFG-based analyses and the like. This excludes errors upgraded
> from warnings, and also "warning-like" errors for ARC issues, functions
> marked "unavailable", and so on.
> hasUncompilableErrorOccurred indicates whether we think we could generate
> correct code from the AST we built. This excludes errors upgraded from
> warnings, but includes ARC issues and uses of unavailable functions (for
> which we could analyse the program, but where we couldn't generate working
> code).
> hasErrorOccurred() indicates if we've emitted any "error:" diagnostics,
> and thus whether the compilation should fail.
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