[cfe-dev] 3.6.2-rc1 has been tagged. Testers needed.

Ben Pope benpope81 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 10:34:14 PDT 2015

On 7 July 2015 at 01:12, Dan Liew <dan at su-root.co.uk> wrote:

> @Ben Pope: Your uploaded binary tarball is the odd one out. Any idea
> as to why the CMake files are missing and why the root directory name
> inside the tarball is not consistent with the uploaded tarballs for
> other platforms?
> [1]
> http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/llvm-commits/Week-of-Mon-20150629/285597.html

Well, I rename the tarball to include the distro, should I be attacking
that by passing an argument to the test-release script?

No idea why the cmake files aren't being packaged, I build in a pretty
basic chroot, should cmake be installed there?

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