[cfe-dev] Closed virtual dispatch (was: Introduce a section to the programmers manual about type hierarchies, polymorphism, and virtual dispatch.)

Philip Reames listmail at philipreames.com
Tue Jan 27 09:13:00 PST 2015

On 01/26/2015 09:13 PM, Chandler Carruth wrote:
> If you do need to introduce a type hierarchy, we often prefer to used
> explicitly closed type hierarchies with manual tagged dispatch rather 
> than the
> open inheritance model and virtual dispatch that is more common in C++ 
> code.
> This is because LLVM rarely encourages library consumers to extend its 
> core
> types, and leverages the closed and tag-dispatched nature of its 
> hierarchies to
> generate significantly more efficient code. We have also found that a 
> large
> amount of our usage of type hierarchies fits better with tag-based pattern
> matching rather than dynamic dispatch across a common interface.
Given we have a large number of compiler authors and contributors to the 
C++ language spec, it seems really odd to me that we can't solve this 
problem in a more elegant way.  The tagged-dispatch as a sealed world 
replacement for virtual dispatch is one that comes up on a pretty 
regular basis.  Might it be time to figure out how to generalize this 
and propose either a clang extension or a language mechanism for some 
future version of C++?


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