[cfe-dev] compilation time 3.5 vs 3.6

mobi phil mobi at mobiphil.com
Thu Jan 22 08:31:37 PST 2015

> Did you build 3.6 with assertions?
>   --enable-assertions     Compile with assertion checks enabled (default
> is YES)
oops, sorry... intuitively I made the wrong assumption that
--enable-optimize would turn off assertions code

build with --disable-assertions, still the on system clang 3.5 beats :

system clang: 2,66s user 0,14s system 99% cpu 2,826 total
Release/bin/clang (git pulled latest): 3,04s user 0,13s system 98% cpu
3,206 total

Release+Asserts/bin/clang: 3,97s user 0,15s system 99% cpu 4,146 total

indeed I had also  --enable-shared active

rebuilt all and now I have:
Release/bin/clang  2,93s user 0,15s system 99% cpu 3,101 total versus
system clang: 2,66s user 0,14s system 99% cpu 2,826 total

made another test and built clang with /usr/bin/clang
CC=/usr/bin/clang CXX=/usr/bin/clang++ /g/llvm.git/configure
 --enable-optimized    --disable-assertions

got a little closer,  2,94s user 0,13s system 99% cpu 3,090 total  but
still not the total 2.82
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