[cfe-dev] RecursiveASTVisitor::TraverseStmt for UnaryOperator's
Hugues de Lassus
hugues.de-lassus at imag.fr
Fri Mar 28 03:18:25 PDT 2014
Hi everyone,
I have a RecursiveASTVisitor that overrides the TraverseStmt method and
store every node in a stack, to be able to know what the last traversed
Stmt was when visiting a node, like this :
bool MyVisitor::TraverseStmt(Stmt* S) {
DEBUG(llvm::errs() << S << "\n";
return true;
I did not find if there was already a way to do that in Clang, but
still, it works well for almost every node.
But *almost* means that it does not traverse at least *some*
UnaryOperator's nodes. It does traverse UO_(Post|Pre)(Inc|Dec) nodes but
never does it traverse UO_AddrOf nor UO_Deref nodes.
This is the output snippet I get for *array = 3 :
BinaryOperator 0x2a0e7b8 'int' '='
|-UnaryOperator 0x2a0e778 'int' lvalue prefix '*'
| `-ImplicitCastExpr 0x2a0e760 'int *' <ArrayToPointerDecay>
| `-DeclRefExpr 0x2a0e738 'int [2]' lvalue Var 0x29e0450 'array' 'int [2]'
`-IntegerLiteral 0x2a0e798 'int' 3
ImplicitCastExpr 0x2a0e760 'int *' <ArrayToPointerDecay>
`-DeclRefExpr 0x2a0e738 'int [2]' lvalue Var 0x29e0450 'array' 'int [2]'
DeclRefExpr 0x2a0e738 'int [2]' lvalue Var 0x29e0450 'array' 'int [2]'
no uoparent was found for array
IntegerLiteral 0x2a0e798 'int' 3
It does show that we "skip" the UO traversal. But for ++x; it does dump
the UOperator node. Would this be a bug?
I also tried to override TraverseUnaryOperator but my program never went
through this method, even though I when I commented out TraverseStmt.
Does anyone have an idea why UO_AddrOf and UO_Deref are never traversed ?
Hugues de Lassus Saint-Geniès
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