[cfe-dev] Why isn't my asm matching?

JB Feldman jb.feldman at kyrus-tech.com
Thu Mar 13 14:24:03 PDT 2014

Hi guys, I'm working on: http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=19117

I've already gotten it to the point where it properly handles the '.'
operator in the inline asm, thankfully that one already had a function
implemented for it. Now I'm getting a new error about invalid operands. To
test, I have modified the code from the PR to the following:

int foo (LARGE_INTEGER LargeInteger, int x )
    __asm    {
        mov     eax, LargeInteger.LowPart
 mov eax, x

The first asm line crashes, because it cannot find a match. The second one
works without issue. I'm currently poking around in the depths of
validateOperandClass in x86GenAsmMatcher.inc. Any help or pointers would be

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