[cfe-dev] [1/5 PATCH/RFC PPC64] add power8 keyword target to llvm

Will Schmidt will_schmidt at vnet.ibm.com
Tue Jun 24 14:43:04 PDT 2014

Add pwr8/keyword, and initial P8 tablegen descriptor table.

diff --git a/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPC.td b/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPC.td
index bd58539..6badc2f 100644
--- a/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPC.td
+++ b/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPC.td
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ def DirectivePwr5x: SubtargetFeature<"", "DarwinDirective", "PPC::DIR_PWR5X", ""
 def DirectivePwr6: SubtargetFeature<"", "DarwinDirective", "PPC::DIR_PWR6", "">;
 def DirectivePwr6x: SubtargetFeature<"", "DarwinDirective", "PPC::DIR_PWR6X", "">;
 def DirectivePwr7: SubtargetFeature<"", "DarwinDirective", "PPC::DIR_PWR7", "">;
+def DirectivePwr8: SubtargetFeature<"", "DarwinDirective", "PPC::DIR_PWR8", "">;
 def Feature64Bit     : SubtargetFeature<"64bit","Has64BitSupport", "true",
                                         "Enable 64-bit instructions">;
@@ -285,6 +286,15 @@ def : ProcessorModel<"pwr7", P7Model,
                    FeaturePOPCNTD, FeatureLDBRX,
                    Feature64Bit /*, Feature64BitRegs */,
                    DeprecatedMFTB, DeprecatedDST]>;
+def : ProcessorModel<"pwr8", P8Model,
+                  [DirectivePwr8, FeatureAltivec,
+                   FeatureMFOCRF, FeatureFCPSGN, FeatureFSqrt, FeatureFRE,
+                   FeatureFRES, FeatureFRSQRTE, FeatureFRSQRTES,
+                   FeatureRecipPrec, FeatureSTFIWX, FeatureLFIWAX,
+                   FeatureFPRND, FeatureFPCVT, FeatureISEL,
+                   FeaturePOPCNTD, FeatureLDBRX,
+                   Feature64Bit /*, Feature64BitRegs */,
+                   DeprecatedMFTB, DeprecatedDST]>;
 def : Processor<"ppc", G3Itineraries, [Directive32]>;
 def : ProcessorModel<"ppc64", G5Model,
                   [Directive64, FeatureAltivec,
diff --git a/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPCSchedule.td b/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPCSchedule.td
index 1221d41..a5cc4e7 100644
--- a/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPCSchedule.td
+++ b/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPCSchedule.td
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ include "PPCScheduleG4.td"
 include "PPCScheduleG4Plus.td"
 include "PPCScheduleG5.td"
 include "PPCScheduleP7.td"
+include "PPCScheduleP8.td"
 include "PPCScheduleA2.td"
 include "PPCScheduleE500mc.td"
 include "PPCScheduleE5500.td"
diff --git a/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPCScheduleP8.td b/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPCScheduleP8.td
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4b918f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPCScheduleP8.td
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+//===-- PPCScheduleP8.td - PPC P8 Scheduling Definitions ---*- tablegen -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the itinerary class data for the POWER7 processor.
+//  this is a blind copy of P7 Schedule and s/P7/P8/g .   Details within will need to be updated with the P8 specifics.
+// Primary reference:
+// IBM POWER7 multicore server processor
+// B. Sinharoy, et al.
+// IBM J. Res. & Dev. (55) 3. May/June 2011.
+// Scheduling for the P8 involves tracking two types of resources:
+//  1. The dispatch bundle slots
+//  2. The functional unit resources
+// Dispatch units:
+def P8_DU1    : FuncUnit;
+def P8_DU2    : FuncUnit;
+def P8_DU3    : FuncUnit;
+def P8_DU4    : FuncUnit;
+def P8_DU5    : FuncUnit;
+def P8_DU6    : FuncUnit;
+def P8_LS1    : FuncUnit; // Load/Store pipeline 1
+def P8_LS2    : FuncUnit; // Load/Store pipeline 2
+def P8_FX1    : FuncUnit; // FX pipeline 1
+def P8_FX2    : FuncUnit; // FX pipeline 2
+// VS pipeline 1 (vector integer ops. always here)
+def P8_VS1    : FuncUnit; // VS pipeline 1
+// VS pipeline 2 (128-bit stores and perms. here)
+def P8_VS2    : FuncUnit; // VS pipeline 2
+def P8_CRU    : FuncUnit; // CR unit (CR logicals and move-from-SPRs)
+def P8_BRU    : FuncUnit; // BR unit
+// Notes:
+// Each LSU pipeline can also execute FX add and logical instructions.
+// Each LSU pipeline can complete a load or store in one cycle.
+// Each store is broken into two parts, AGEN goes to the LSU while a
+// "data steering" op. goes to the FXU or VSU.
+// FX loads have a two cycle load-to-use latency (so one "bubble" cycle).
+// VSU loads have a three cycle load-to-use latency (so two "bubble" cycle).
+// Frequent FX ops. take only one cycle and results can be used again in the
+// next cycle (there is a self-bypass). Getting results from the other FX
+// pipeline takes an additional cycle.
+// The VSU XS is similar to the POWER6, but with a pipeline length of 2 cycles
+// (instead of 3 cycles on the POWER6). VSU XS handles vector FX-style ops.
+// Dispatch of an instruction to VS1 that uses four single prec. inputs
+// (either to a float or XC op). prevents dispatch in that cycle to VS2 of any
+// floating point instruction.
+// The VSU PM is similar to the POWER6, but with a pipeline length of 3 cycles
+// (instead of 4 cycles on the POWER6). vsel is handled by the PM pipeline
+// (unlike on the POWER6).
+// FMA from the VSUs can forward results in 6 cycles. VS1 XS and vector FP
+// share the same write-back, and have a 5-cycle latency difference, so the
+// IFU/IDU will not dispatch an XS instructon 5 cycles after a vector FP
+// op. has been dispatched to VS1.
+// Three cycles after an L1 cache hit, a dependent VSU instruction can issue.
+// Instruction dispatch groups have (at most) four non-branch instructions, and
+// two branches. Unlike on the POWER4/5, a branch does not automatically
+// end the dispatch group, but a second branch must be the last in the group.
+def P8Itineraries : ProcessorItineraries<
+  [P8_DU1, P8_DU2, P8_DU3, P8_DU4, P8_DU5, P8_DU6,
+   P8_LS1, P8_LS2, P8_FX1, P8_FX2, P8_VS1, P8_VS2, P8_CRU, P8_BRU], [], [
+  InstrItinData<IIC_IntSimple   , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2,
+                                                  P8_LS1, P8_LS2]>],
+                                  [1, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_IntGeneral  , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [1, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_IntCompare  , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [1, 1, 1]>,
+  // FIXME: Add record-form itinerary data.
+  InstrItinData<IIC_IntDivW     , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<36, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [36, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_IntDivD     , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<68, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [68, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_IntMulHW    , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [4, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_IntMulHWU   , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [4, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_IntMulLI    , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [4, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_IntRotate   , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                   [1, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_IntRotateD  , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                   [1, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_IntShift    , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [1, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_IntTrapW    , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_IntTrapD    , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_BrB         , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU5, P8_DU6], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_BRU]>],
+                                  [3, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_BrCR        , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_CRU]>],
+                                  [3, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_BrMCR       , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU5, P8_DU6], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_BRU]>],
+                                  [3, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_BrMCRX      , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU5, P8_DU6], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_BRU]>],
+                                  [3, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStLoad    , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2]>],
+                                  [2, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStLoadUpd , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [2, 2, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStLoadUpdX, [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU3], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [3, 3, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStLD      , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2]>],
+                                  [2, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStLDU     , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [2, 2, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStLDUX    , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU3], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [3, 3, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStLFD     , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2]>],
+                                  [3, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStLVecX   , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2]>],
+                                  [3, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStLFDU    , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [3, 3, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStLFDUX   , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [3, 3, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStLHA     , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2]>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [3, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStLHAU    , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [4, 4, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStLHAUX   , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU3], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [4, 4, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStLWA     , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2]>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [3, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStLWARX,    [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU3], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2]>],
+                                  [3, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStLDARX,    [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU3], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2]>],
+                                  [3, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStLMW     , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2]>],
+                                  [2, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStStore   , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [1, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStSTD     , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [1, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStSTDU    , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [2, 1, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStSTDUX   , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU3], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [2, 1, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStSTFD    , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS1, P8_VS2]>],
+                                  [1, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStSTFDU   , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS1, P8_VS2]>],
+                                  [2, 1, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStSTVEBX  , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS2]>],
+                                  [1, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStSTDCX   , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU3], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2]>],
+                                  [1, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_LdStSTWCX   , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU3], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_LS1, P8_LS2]>],
+                                  [1, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_BrMCRX      , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU3], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_CRU]>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1, P8_FX2]>],
+                                  [3, 1]>, // mtcr
+  InstrItinData<IIC_SprMFCR     , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_CRU]>],
+                                  [6, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_SprMFCRF    , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_CRU]>],
+                                  [3, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_SprMTSPR    , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_FX1]>],
+                                  [4, 1]>, // mtctr
+  InstrItinData<IIC_FPGeneral   , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS1, P8_VS2]>],
+                                  [5, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_FPCompare   , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS1, P8_VS2]>],
+                                  [8, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_FPDivD      , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS1, P8_VS2]>],
+                                  [33, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_FPDivS      , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS1, P8_VS2]>],
+                                  [27, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_FPSqrtD     , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS1, P8_VS2]>],
+                                  [44, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_FPSqrtS     , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS1, P8_VS2]>],
+                                  [32, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_FPFused     , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS1, P8_VS2]>],
+                                  [5, 1, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_FPRes       , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2,
+                                                  P8_DU3, P8_DU4], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS1, P8_VS2]>],
+                                  [5, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_VecGeneral  , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS1]>],
+                                  [2, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_VecVSL      , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS1]>],
+                                  [2, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_VecVSR      , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS1]>],
+                                  [2, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_VecFP       , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS1, P8_VS2]>],
+                                  [6, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_VecFPCompare, [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS1, P8_VS2]>],
+                                  [6, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_VecFPRound  , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS1, P8_VS2]>],
+                                  [6, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_VecComplex  , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS1]>],
+                                  [7, 1, 1]>,
+  InstrItinData<IIC_VecPerm     , [InstrStage<1, [P8_DU1, P8_DU2], 0>,
+                                   InstrStage<1, [P8_VS2]>],
+                                  [3, 1, 1]>
+// ===---------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+// P8 machine model for scheduling and other instruction cost heuristics.
+def P8Model : SchedMachineModel {
+  let IssueWidth = 6;  // 4 (non-branch) instructions are dispatched per cycle.
+                       // Note that the dispatch bundle size is 6 (including
+                       // branches), but the total internal issue bandwidth per
+                       // cycle (from all queues) is 8.
+  let MinLatency = 0;  // Out-of-order dispatch.
+  let LoadLatency = 3; // Optimistic load latency assuming bypass.
+                       // This is overriden by OperandCycles if the
+                       // Itineraries are queried instead.
+  let MispredictPenalty = 16;
+  let Itineraries = P8Itineraries;
diff --git a/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPCSubtarget.h b/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPCSubtarget.h
index 8aafa99..a3a7480 100644
--- a/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPCSubtarget.h
+++ b/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPCSubtarget.h
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ namespace PPC {
+    DIR_PWR8,

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