[cfe-dev] clang-format and BSD KNF

David Watson dwatson at arbor.net
Wed Jun 11 11:09:20 PDT 2014

On Jun 11, 2014, at 2:27 AM, Daniel Jasper <djasper at google.com> wrote:

>  doubt that it is possible to distinguish between these cases.  clang-format works on a stream of tokens, not the AST.  I do not believe that there is any reliable way to distinguish between function prototypes and definitions without at least a partial AST.
> Why not? One ends in a semicolon, the other in an open curly brace. clang-format has to make basically all of its decisions this way..

>From my testing, the StartsDefinition flag is already distinguishing between definitions and declarations.  I just can’t figure out how to reliably examine the value of that flag from the beginning of the function definition (within the mustBreakBefore method).  Once the brace ends up in a separate line, there doesn’t seem to be any links to the next line, or to any meta level structure tying the entire function definition together (like an AST).


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