[cfe-dev] short Object* object = new Object(); //pointer compression

Mihaly Elekes misi.aaaa at gmail.com
Tue Dec 9 17:36:41 PST 2014

> I don't think that's what the original poster needed (32-bit offset in
> a 64bit segment).

let me make a correction. Indeed it is about a 32 bit (or less) offset
inside a 32 bit (or less) addressable segment. Address would be always
calculated as 64 bit pointer + 32 bit offset.

Indeed, as I stated in my prev, email __ptr32 would not make too much

I further worked on this concept and almost came to the conclusion that
implementation of special class of pointers would become too complicated
(both clang and llvm). Would be though interesting to "teach" the compiler
to allow arithmetics like

shortptr = longptr;  //(where shortptro = longptr-base)
longptr = shortptr;  //where longptr = shortpr + base), where base would be
a task (thread) specific value

The framework or the "extension" should make sure that such values are
allocated in the correct adress space.

I will probably go for an "eco pointer template" solution

template<class T>
class ecoPtr {
      static void * operator new(std::size_t);   //forbid allocation on heap
      static void * operator new[](std::size_t);
      uint32_t ptr;  //this is the real pointer compressed to 32 bit
      template<typename... Args>
      inline eco(Args... args)   __attribute__((always_inline))    {  /*
custom allocate T and return the offset */  }
      T* operator->() {}

This would also implement later a ref counting, but ref count would be held
inside T
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