[cfe-dev] Adding more HTML-related facilities in Doxygen comment parsing

Alp Toker alp at nuanti.com
Mon Apr 28 11:15:05 PDT 2014

On 28/04/2014 18:01, Dmitri Gribenko wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 5:55 PM, Alp Toker <alp at nuanti.com> wrote:
>> Nobody is asking for a second comment markup language in clang. This is a
>> thread about removing the first one, a change for which there's already
>> broad consensus.
> I don't believe there is any other developer except you suggesting
> anything like that.

If you actually read through the responses you'll find otherwise.

What I don't understand is, why the complete lack of interest in the 
original proposal for incremental cleanups and layering fixes to 
ASTContext, RawComment and FullComment if this is code you're interested 
in maintaining or have strong opinions about?

Throughout that discussion you gave the impression that the code is 
basically unmaintained. Now you're saying there's a libclang stability 
argument and asking to keep the feature around longer.

I don't think it's reasonable to expect others to do this grunt work 
trying to fix the core of the comment system while you commit arbitrary 
chunks of dubious HTML5 validation.

So perhaps you can provide a more constructive response to the original 
suggestions for improvement as a way forward..


the browser experts

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