[cfe-dev] Clang can not compile file with chinese name.

Csaba Raduly rcsaba at gmail.com
Tue Sep 17 23:57:53 PDT 2013

On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 3:30 AM, fiveight  wrote:
> Hi All:
> I am using Clang 3.3 on Windows7. I compiled tow Clang 3.3, one by vs2008 and another by vs2010.
> But both of them can not compile file with chinese name.
> How can I resolve this problem?

You should start by showing the error message. "It doesn't work" isn't
helpful in diagnosing your problem.


GCS a+ e++ d- C++ ULS$ L+$ !E- W++ P+++$ w++$ tv+ b++ DI D++ 5++
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Life is complex, with real and imaginary parts.
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