[cfe-dev] how to see implicit calls in AST

Vladimir Voskresensky voskresensky.vladimir at gmail.com
Sun Sep 15 23:08:38 PDT 2013


Any hints how to visit implicit destructor calls by RecursiveASTVisitor?

As a check I used clang-check tool and tried to see destructor calls for 
state1 in function "check"
class TestModeRAII {
   bool &Ref;
   bool OldState;

   explicit TestModeRAII(bool& State):Ref(State), OldState(State) {}

   ~TestModeRAII() { Ref = OldState; }

   static void check(bool &state) {
     if (state) {
       TestModeRAII state1(state);
       state = false;
$ ./clang-check -ast-dump -ast-dump-filter=TestModeRAII::check 
/var/tmp/tmp/file.cpp --
Dumping TestModeRAII::check:
CXXMethodDecl 0x23021a0 </var/tmp/tmp/file.cpp:10:3, line:15:3> check 
'void (_Bool &)' static
|-ParmVarDecl 0x2302120 <line:10:21, col:27> state '_Bool &'
`-CompoundStmt 0x23028a0 <col:34, line:15:3>
   `-IfStmt 0x2302870 <line:11:5, line:14:5>
     |-ImplicitCastExpr 0x23024d8 <line:11:9> '_Bool' <LValueToRValue>
     | `-DeclRefExpr 0x23024b0 <col:9> '_Bool' lvalue ParmVar 0x2302120 
'state' '_Bool &'
     |-CompoundStmt 0x2302848 <col:16, line:14:5>
     | |-DeclStmt 0x23027c8 <line:12:7, col:33>
     | | `-VarDecl 0x2302530 <col:7, col:32> state1 'class TestModeRAII'
     | |   `-CXXConstructExpr 0x2302790 <col:20, col:32> 'class 
TestModeRAII' 'void (_Bool &)'
     | |     `-DeclRefExpr 0x23024f0 <col:27> '_Bool' lvalue ParmVar 
0x2302120 'state' '_Bool &'
     | `-BinaryOperator 0x2302820 <line:13:7, col:15> '_Bool' lvalue '='
     |   |-DeclRefExpr 0x23027e0 <col:7> '_Bool' lvalue ParmVar 
0x2302120 'state' '_Bool &'
     |   `-CXXBoolLiteralExpr 0x2302808 <col:15> '_Bool' false
It doesn't dump destructor calls.

I changed ASTPrinter and added:
bool shouldVisitImplicitCode() const { return true; }
But it still doesn't help.


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