[cfe-dev] How to use SJLJ exceptions with clang ?

Nicola Gigante nicola.gigante at gmail.com
Wed Oct 16 10:31:23 PDT 2013

Il giorno 15/ott/2013, alle ore 21:40, Bob Wilson <bob.wilson at apple.com> ha scritto:

> At the time iOS was first developed, SjLj was the only exception handling mechanism supported by GCC for ARM.  I think DWARF unwinding support for ARM may have been added to GCC right around the same time but it didn't arrive quite in time to be adopted for iOS.  Changing it after the first release would have been a major ABI break, so we've been stuck with SjLj.  Note that the new 64-bit iOS ABI does _not_ use SjLj.

I don't want to criticize Apple's design decisions, especially since this is an
issue from the old "hack on GCC" days, and I know that to
most of those questions you can't answer anyway, but: why don't let, say,
iOS 4-targeted binaries use the new ABI and stick legacy code on a different segment
on fat/universal binaries, and let Xcode do the linking magic? In the round of one
or maybe two years, nobody links to older SDKs anymore anyway. This question
of course applies to any iOS "new feature breaks ABI" issue...


P.S. Sorry if this question is OT on this list, being iOS specific, but it comes natural
from previous discussions.

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