[cfe-dev] error: invalid operand for instruction (inl)

John Calcote JCalcote at fusionio.com
Tue Nov 12 17:52:40 PST 2013

I have a small snippet of code for accessing the VMware backdoor:

$ cat vmw_backdoor.cpp
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAX_UINT32              UINT32_MAX

#define VMW_MAGIC               0x564d5868
#define VMW_CMD_IOPORT          0x5658
#define VMW_CMD_GET_VER         0xa

struct registers
    uint32_t eax;
    uint32_t ebx;
    uint32_t ecx;
    uint32_t edx;
    uint32_t ebp;
    uint32_t edi;
    uint32_t esi;

static void vmw_backdoor(unsigned cmd, registers* regs)
    __asm__ __volatile__(
        "inl (%%dx)"
        : "=a" (regs->eax), "=c" (regs->ecx), "=d" (regs->edx), "=b" (regs->ebx)
        : "0" (VMW_MAGIC), "1" (cmd), "2" (VMW_CMD_IOPORT), "3" (MAX_UINT32)
        : "memory");

int main(void)
    registers regs;
    memset(&regs, 0, sizeof regs);
    vmw_backdoor(VMW_CMD_GET_VER, &regs);
    printf("VMware version: %d.\n", regs.eax);
    return 0;


This works in g++:

$ g++ vmw_backdoor.cpp
$ ./a.out
VMware version: 6.

It fails to compile in clang:

$ clang vmw_backdoor.cpp
vmw_backdoor.cpp:26:9: error: invalid operand for instruction
        "inl (%%dx)"
<inline asm>:1:6: note: instantiated into assembly here
        inl (%dx)
1 error generated.

Any ideas how to make this work? Or is this a clang bug - I know the inline assembler is probably the last component anyone really cares about, but any help would be much appreciated.

John Calcote

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