[cfe-dev] Clang sanitizer blacklist format?

Jeffrey Walton noloader at gmail.com
Wed Jul 31 02:47:44 PDT 2013

Hi All,

I'm catching lots of these (in the hundreds). I'm fairly certain its
little more than `cout << std::hex`.

0x00010dd6589b: runtime error: load of value 4294967221, which is not
a valid value for type 'std::_Ios_Fmtflags'
 e8  e4 90 65 00 e9 de fd ff  ff 4c 89 ff e8 f9 f7 65  00 48 8d 3d f0
5f a6 00  4c 89 fe e8 88 6f 65

The problem appears to be with libstdc++, and a patch was prepared at

Until the update is available, I'd like to use a blacklist to suppress
the finding. The sanitizer blacklist was added at

Can we create the blacklist file and fill it with functions like
'std::_Ios_Fmtflags', with on per line? Or does it need a tuple with
<sanitizer>:std::_Ios_Fmtflags? If so, how can we determine which
sanitizer is producing the finding when multiple sanitizers are used
(I believe its -fsanitize=undefined)?

To summarize, what is the format of the blacklist file?


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