[cfe-dev] Source-to-source translation using LibTooling

Antoine Trouve trouve at isit.or.jp
Thu Jan 10 01:22:14 PST 2013

Le H.25/01/10 à 18:03, Manuel Klimek <klimek at google.com> a écrit :

>> On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 8:44 AM, Antoine Trouve <trouve at isit.or.jp> wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I have successfully written a source-to-source translator using LibTooling, and I am now willing to go further and do some source-to-source translation.
>> However, I can't figure out how to output modified code with LibTooling.
>> I have used in the past the class "Rewriter", coupled with a "RewriterBuffer" to do this job, but without the LibTooling (I was manipulating "CompilerInstance" object directly).
>> However, a "RewriterBuffer" requires a file ID (that I used to get from a "SourceManager") to be created, and I don't have access to such information anymore, because I'm calling my tool using "Tool.run" from a custom "FrontEndAction".
>> I've spotted the example called "loop-convert" in the clang-tools-extra repository, that is using class derived from "RefactoringTool" to do source-to-source transformation. I kind of made sense of this code, but the way it works would require me to change my code deeply in order to fill the so-called replacement list.
>> Does someone has any experience on this matter in order to give some advices on the best approach I should adopt ?
> I'm not 100% sure what you're looking for - as you said, the RefactoringTool is what's meant to be used to write out changed code - I'm open to changes to that interface if it helps your use case, but I don't know your code, so it's hard for me to tell exactly why that would be a deep change, or how to fit it into your project.
> My intuition would be that at the point at which you would make changes vie the Rewriter, you would instead fill the Replacements...
> Cheers,
> /Manuel

Thank you for your answer. Basically I would like to know what is the *standard* way to do source-to-source translation in Libtooling.
Should I understand that this is by using "RefactoringTool" ? Updating my code would require some effort for me to understand how the "Replacements" work, so I want to be sure that this is not to find out that there is a better way to do so.

To answer your question, I detect "for" statements; analyse the body of the loop to extract some metrics; and add a comment after the for with the values of the previously measured metrics. I used to use the "Rewriting" class to add this comment.


- Antoine

>> Best regards,
>> - Antoine
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