[cfe-dev] ASTMatchers: isVirtual and isOverride
Pedro Delgado Perez
pedro.delgadoperez at mail.uca.es
Sun Apr 21 11:06:09 PDT 2013
> This is indeed something I haven't considered, but should be easy to fix. Looking at the documentation for CXXCtorInitializer, you'll see that there's a member called isBaseInitializer(). The other thing you'll need to check (probably, if that is what you need) for is whether the base ctor call is implicit, which is probably done best by constraining the CXXConstructExpr with argumentCountIs(0). Putting together a custom matcher using these should be simple.
I found isWritten() member for CXXCtorInitializer:
"Returns true if this initializer is explicitly written in the source code."
And finally, I accomplished what I wanted. Now, only B constructor is matched in:
class A{
public: A(){}
class B: public A{
public: int b, h;
B():A(){b=0; h=0;}
class C: public A{
public C(){}
But thanks for the members you have indicated: i'm sure I'll have to use them in the future.
> Also keep in mind that if you put together a generic and useful enough matcher, you should totally contribute it as a patch, so that others in need of a similar thing have it available in the future.
Ok. But I don't know where I should put or send these matchers to share them. Could you indicate me?
> Yes, you need to use these in the matcher callback. It is indeed inefficient, but we've been unable to come up with any better solution. The problem is in the underlying compiler technology, i.e. the nature of header files.
> > Is it possible to search for nodes only in some files indicated by the user?
> Sure, take a look at the clang::ast_matchers::match functions - they allow you to run a matcher on the specified node, not the whole AST. Unfortunately I do not think this will help you in this case, as you cannot distinguish the parts of the TU coming from system header files and the parts coming from user files at the AST level.
Ok, that's a setback i should have in mind. When you say "they allow you to run a matcher on the specified node, not the whole AST." you mean something like this?:
This is the way I retrieve the nodes I need to match at this moment.
The problem for me is that I'll have to make some source-to-source translations: sometimes I'll have to modify the .cpp file and sometimes the .h (or even both of them) For instance, if i want to know if a certain method is declared as "virtual", I would need to examinate the .h file. Thus, I cannot exclude all .h files. So, how can I manage this?
> > I have seen that every file has "id" and, for instance, instead of using "isInSystemHeader" and "isInExternCSystemHeader" could i do the next?:
> I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do here... As the error you're getting, it's because getSourceManager is missing the paranthesis, i.e. the () that would indicate it's a method call.
What I was trying to do is to examinate the nodes only from the file provided by the user in the execution (for instance, if I run bin/default-constructor test.cpp, I only want the nodes from test.cpp) I tought that with member getMainFileID() I would achieve what I wanted, but this isn't working as expected (sorry for the error of getSourceManager(), but I tested it really quick and late only to write the message). I have also tried with:
if (!Context->getSourceManager().isInSystemHeader(FullLocation) && ! Context->getSourceManager().isInExternCSystemHeader(FullLocation)){
but it is still matching nodes in other files, such as ostream, bits/basic_ios.h or bits/streambuf_interator.h because I included the iostream header. I need to avoid all these nodes, but I don't know how to do it.
> Yes, that's quite possible, as I'm using clang 3.2. Nonetheless, you should be able to figure out what the issue is, as I've given you a draft (a pattern, if you will).
Ok. I'm going to check this like you taugth me ;)
And a last question if you don't mind. I based my examples for the moment in the matcher shown in:
http://clang.llvm.org/docs/LibASTMatchersTutorial.html [ http://clang.llvm.org/docs/LibASTMatchersTutorial.html ]
But you told me that it's possible to merge the usage of Matchers and RecursiveASTVisitor as in:
http://clang.llvm.org/docs/RAVFrontendAction.html [ http://clang.llvm.org/docs/RAVFrontendAction.html ]
I see that I can retrieve some nodes using matchers and then use a RecursiveASTVisitor on that nodes, but I can't clearly see the contrary: if I'm visiting only a kind of node, I know that I can directly use the methods of that class, but how could I use a matcher in the same way as in the example below?:
virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) { if (const ForStmt *FS = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::ForStmt>("forLoop")) FS->dump(); }
I hope you can understand what I mean.
Thank you for all your help,
El dia 21 abr 2013 01:43, Gábor Kozár <kozargabor at gmail.com> escribió:
> Hi,
> > The default constructor of C is also matched as there is an implicit call to the default constructor of class A (and effectively, this is an expression and not a declaration as I said in the last message). So, I've been thinking about it and, though I don't have the solution, I'm quite sure we have to change "anything()" inside "hasAnyConstructorInitializer()" to avoid this exception. Any suggestion?
> This is indeed something I haven't considered, but should be easy to fix. Looking at the documentation for CXXCtorInitializer, you'll see that there's a member called isBaseInitializer(). The other thing you'll need to check (probably, if that is what you need) for is whether the base ctor call is implicit, which is probably done best by constraining the CXXConstructExpr with argumentCountIs(0). Putting together a custom matcher using these should be simple.
> Also keep in mind that if you put together a generic and useful enough matcher, you should totally contribute it as a patch, so that others in need of a similar thing have it available in the future.
> > On the other hand, I've been trying to use the methods you told me, but I have to use those methods after the matcher execution, haven't I? This is a bit inefficiently as the mathcer is looking up in some files that are not needed.
> Yes, you need to use these in the matcher callback. It is indeed inefficient, but we've been unable to come up with any better solution. The problem is in the underlying compiler technology, i.e. the nature of header files.
> > Is it possible to search for nodes only in some files indicated by the user?
> Sure, take a look at the clang::ast_matchers::match functions - they allow you to run a matcher on the specified node, not the whole AST. Unfortunately I do not think this will help you in this case, as you cannot distinguish the parts of the TU coming from system header files and the parts coming from user files at the AST level.
> > I have seen that every file has "id" and, for instance, instead of using "isInSystemHeader" and "isInExternCSystemHeader" could i do the next?:
> I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do here... As the error you're getting, it's because getSourceManager is missing the paranthesis, i.e. the () that would indicate it's a method call.
> > Umm... What a strange thing... I will get over this one more time and see if I did something wrong.
> Maybe something is missing or is different in AStMatchersInternal or ASTMatchersMacros.
> Yes, that's quite possible, as I'm using clang 3.2. Nonetheless, you should be able to figure out what the issue is, as I've given you a draft (a pattern, if you will).
> Good luck!
> Gabor
> 2013/4/21 Pedro Delgado Perez <pedro.delgadoperez at mail.uca.es [ mailto:pedro.delgadoperez at mail.uca.es ]>
> Hi and thanks again,
> I clearly expressed incorretly the problem. I'll try to explain it more in detail:
> If we have the classes below:
> class A{
> public: A(){}
> };
> class B: public A{
> public: int b, h;
> B():A(){b=0; h=0;}
> };
> class C: public A{
> public C(){}
> };
> I want my matcher retrieves ONLY the default constructor declaration of B. However this is what happened with the matcher you proposed me:
> CXXConstructorDecl 0xa1f6080 </home/pedro/clang-llvm/build/testClases.cpp:14:3, col:25> B 'void (void)'
> |-CXXCtorInitializer 'class A'
> | |-CXXConstructExpr 0xa1f6608 <col:8, col:10> 'class A' 'void (void)'
> `-CompoundStmt 0xa1f6710 <col:11, col:25>
> |-BinaryOperator 0xa1f6698 <col:12, col:16> 'int' lvalue '='
> | |-MemberExpr 0xa1f6660 <col:12> 'int' lvalue ->b 0xa1f6100
> | | `-CXXThisExpr 0xa1f6650 <col:12> 'class B *' this
> | `-IntegerLiteral 0xa1f6680 <col:16> 'int' 0
> `-BinaryOperator 0xa1f66f8 <col:19, col:23> 'int' lvalue '='
> |-MemberExpr 0xa1f66c0 <col:19> 'int' lvalue ->h 0xa1f6140
> | `-CXXThisExpr 0xa1f66b0 <col:19> 'class B *' this
> `-IntegerLiteral 0xa1f66e0 <col:23> 'int' 0
> Found declaration at 14:3
> CXXConstructorDecl 0xa1f68b0 </home/pedro/clang-llvm/build/testClases.cpp:25:3, col:7> C 'void (void)'
> |-CXXCtorInitializer 'class A'
> | |-CXXConstructExpr 0xa1f6c08 <col:3> 'class A' 'void (void)'
> `-CompoundStmt 0xa1f6c58 <col:6, col:7>
> Found declaration at 25:3
> The default constructor of C is also matched as there is an implicit call to the default constructor of class A (and effectively, this is an expression and not a declaration as I said in the last message). So, I've been thinking about it and, though I don't have the solution, I'm quite sure we have to change "anything()" inside "hasAnyConstructorInitializer()" to avoid this exception. Any suggestion?
> On the other hand, I've been trying to use the methods you told me, but I have to use those methods after the matcher execution, haven't I? This is a bit inefficiently as the mathcer is looking up in some files that are not needed. Is it possible to search for nodes only in some files indicated by the user? Normally, a class is declared in a .h file and defined in the .cpp file and i would like to search in both of them.
> I have seen that every file has "id" and, for instance, instead of using "isInSystemHeader" and "isInExternCSystemHeader" could i do the next?:
> class DefaultConstructor : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback {
> public :
> virtual void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) {
> ASTContext *Context = Result.Context;
> FileID mainFileID = Context->getSourceManager.getMainFileID();
> if (const CXXConstructorDecl *FS = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::CXXConstructorDecl>("methods")){
> FullSourceLoc FullLocation = Context->getFullLoc(FS->getLocStart());
> if (FullLocation.isValid() && FullLocation.getFileID() == mainFileID)
> ... ...
> }
> }
> };
> ( I got an error with this: reference to non-static member function must be called
> FileID mainFileID = (Context->getSourceManager).getMainFileID();
> ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )
> > Thank you for your time Gábor. I have put this, but I don't know why it doesn't fetch any nodes at all... Could you test this?
> I did test it, and worked fine for me. Not sure what could be the issue.
Umm... What a strange thing... I will get over this one more time and see if I did something wrong.
Maybe something is missing or is different in AStMatchersInternal or ASTMatchersMacros.
El dia 19 abr 2013 16:28, Gábor Kozár <kozargabor at gmail.com [ mailto:kozargabor at gmail.com ]> escribió:
> Thank you for your time Gábor. I have put this, but I don't know why it doesn't fetch any nodes at all... Could you test this?
I did test it, and worked fine for me. Not sure what could be the issue.
> An implicit node is detected: the default constructor of class A in the list of constructors in default constructor of class B. So, I tried to fix this doing this:
I believe this is what you need then, as Manuel suggested:
constructorDecl(isDefinition(), parameterCountIs(0), unless(isImplicit()),
anyOf(hasAnyConstructorInitializer(anything()), has(compoundStmt(has(stmt())))));
How you compose your matchers dictate how they will behave. Lets take a simple example: functionDecl(isDefinition()). Here the fact that isDefinition() was given as a parameter to functionDecl() indicates that it refines that matcher, i.e. imposes further conditions that have to be met in order for a node to be matched.
Now with this logic, lets look at what you tried: withInitializer(constructorDecl(isImplicit()))
This means something like "an initializer that is an implicit constructor declaration" - which obviously makes no sense, and thanks to template voodoo magic, it doesn't compile either. The reason is that withInitializer expects a Matcher<Expr>, that is, a matcher that matches certain Exprs (that meet a certain criteria). constructorDecl() yields a Matcher<CXXConstructorDecl>, because it is a matcher that accepts CXXConstructorDecl objects.
> In addition, I would like to work only with the code that is explicit and for example when I try to match "methodDecl(isOverride())" a lot of implicit methods (and even methods from other files apart of mine) are detected with this matcher. How can I avoid this?
I'm not sure what you mean by "implicit" methods here. Obviously you'll get matches in header files as well, most notably, system header files. SourceManager::isInSystemHeader and isInExternCSystemHeader is what you're looking for if you want to avoid that - you'll place such a check in your matcher callback function.
2013/4/19 Pedro Delgado Perez <pedro.delgadoperez at mail.uca.es [ mailto:pedro.delgadoperez at mail.uca.es ]>
Thank you ver much both of you, it really helps:
All of the ways you cite make sense. What you want really depends on what kind of control you want. Note that you can always easily start with AST matchers to find higher level things you're interested in, and then drill down through the AST nodes by calling the methods or even by using a RecursiveASTVisitor on a node...
Ok, Manuel. I need to study this a bit more to catch on the best way for me, but it's good to know I can merge both strategies.
I have put together quickly the matcher that I believe suits your needs, just so that you can see how it works:
namespace clang {
namespace ast_matchers {
using namespace clang::ast_matchers::internal;
AST_MATCHER(CXXConstructorDecl, defaultNonTrivialCtor)
return Node.isThisDeclarationADefinition()
&& Node.isDefaultConstructor()
&& (Node.getNumCtorInitializers() != 0 || !Node.hasTrivialBody());
} // ast_matchers
} // clang
(Don't forget to include ASTMatchers.h, ASTMatchersInternal.h and ASTMatchersMacros.h)
Thank you for your time Gábor. I have put this, but I don't know why it doesn't fetch any nodes at all... Could you test this?
constructorDecl(isDefinition(), parameterCountIs(0),
anyOf(hasAnyConstructorInitializer(anything()), has(compoundStmt(has(stmt())))));
(I did a quick test, and seems to work as intended, but you should make sure to test it thoroughly yourself.)
I have put this as well and this time does it works, but indeed it needs something more, because if we have:
class A{
class B: public A{
An implicit node is detected: the default constructor of class A in the list of constructors in default constructor of class B. So, I tried to fix this doing this:
constructorDecl(isDefinition(), parameterCountIs(0),
anyOf(hasAnyConstructorInitializer(unless(withInitializer(constructorDecl(isImplicit()))))), has(compoundStmt(has(stmt())))));
But, I newbie in this and it doesn't work as constructorDecl returns a Decl and withInitializer a Expr (i think). How could I do this? Sorry for this, but I would like to have at least an example complete.
In addition, I would like to work only with the code that is explicit and for example when I try to match "methodDecl(isOverride())" a lot of implicit methods (and even methods from other files apart of mine) are detected with this matcher. How can I avoid this?
El dia 19 abr 2013 13:50, Manuel Klimek <klimek at google.com [ mailto:klimek at google.com ]> escribió:
On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Pedro Delgado Perez <pedro.delgadoperez at mail.uca.es [ mailto:pedro.delgadoperez at mail.uca.es ]> wrote:
Hi again,
Well, I've just understood that not all the methods in a class have a matcher related. For instance, I'm trying to match the default constructor declaration of a class:
class Foo {
Foo(int a){... ...}
And in CXXConstructorDecl we have isDefaultConstructor(), but I can't find an AST_MATCHER to do this. So, I suppose I would have to implement a new AST_MATCHER like this:
AST_MATCHER(CXXConstructorDecl, isDefaultConstructor){
return Node.isDefaultConstructor();
Wouldn't it? But, this happens often, so... would you recommend me use AST_MATCHERS? Or it would be better to do something like it is explained in http://clang.llvm.org/docs/RAVFrontendAction.html [ http://clang.llvm.org/docs/RAVFrontendAction.html ] ? This way, I can directly use the methods in the classes. For instance:
bool VisitCXXConstructorDecl(CXXConstructorDecl *Declaration) { if (Declaration->isDefaultConstructor()) {
I have to visit a lot of kind of nodes with different features, not only this.
All of the ways you cite make sense. What you want really depends on what kind of control you want. Note that you can always easily start with AST matchers to find higher level things you're interested in, and then drill down through the AST nodes by calling the methods or even by using a RecursiveASTVisitor on a node...
Please, I need a path to get down to work.
Thanks in advance,
El dia 19 abr 2013 01:58, Gábor Kozár <kozargabor at gmail.com [ mailto:kozargabor at gmail.com ]> escribió:
What version are you using? The matchers isOverride() and isVirtual() I know for certain were not in version 3.2, and can only be found on SVN (in this file: http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/include/clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h [ http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/include/clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h ]).
Nonetheless, you can implement them all very easily manually, or just indeed copy their implementation from the link above. Also, instead of isDefaultConstructor(), you could use argumentCountIs(0).
2013/4/18 Pedro Delgado Perez <pedro.delgadoperez at mail.uca.es [ mailto:pedro.delgadoperez at mail.uca.es ]>
I'm newbie using ASTMatchers and I'm trying to learn little by little how to use them.
I was basing on the matcher recordDecl(hasName("Foo"), isDerivedFrom("Bar")) shown in http://clang.llvm.org/docs/LibASTMatchers.html [ http://clang.llvm.org/docs/LibASTMatchers.html ] trying to include new features. For instance, I tried to look for classes which have at least one virtual method:
recordDecl(hasName("Foo"), isDerivedFrom("Bar"), hasMethod(isVirtual()))
Or I tried to match protected overriden methods:
methodDecl(allOf(isProtected(), isOverride());
But neither of them worked as it couldn't find "isOverride" and "isVirtual" identifiers. I was trying a lot of combinations, but I can't understand this well.
Finally, I tried to look for the the default constructor of a certain class:
constructorDecl(hasName("Foo"), isDefaultConstructor())
but this is wrong. What I'm doing bad? Please, any information you give me will be fine to me to understand how to use matchers.
Thanks in advance,
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