[cfe-dev] Using libclang to determine the location of a completion result
Marman Moi
marman.email at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 02:47:40 PDT 2012
Le 31/08/2012 08:51, Jacob Carlborg a écrit :
> On 2012-08-30 20:50, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm a user of clang_complete, a vim plugin that uses libclang's python
>> bindings to provide really nice code-completion for users of the vim
>> text editor:
>> https://github.com/Rip-Rip/clang_complete
>> As great as this is, it is functionally inferior to Omnicppcomplete in
>> one area: The lack of information about completion results.
>> Omnicppcomplete optionally provides information about the filename
>> that the declaration of the just-completed/highlighted for completion
>> symbol came from. As far as I can tell, it is impossible for
>> clang_complete to support this, due to the lack of upstream support. I
>> refer specifically to this comment within the CXCompletionResult
>> struct:
>> 04031 * \todo In the future, we would like to provide a full
>> cursor, to allow
>> 04032 * the client to extract additional information from declaration.
>> 04033 */
>> So, with completion implemented essentially by calling
>> clang_codeCompleteAt(), I can see no way of working backwards to
>> obtain some basic information pertaining to the
>> just-completed/previewed token. However, I have an idea that other
>> text editors do support something along the same lines. I wonder, do
>> they employ some trickery like immediately obtaining a CXCursor for
>> the symbol under the text editor's cursor after completion is
>> finished? It would be tricky to get that to work while traversing a
>> visual list of possible completions (for each completion), so I hope
>> the actual trick is much cleverer than that. Also, I don't suppose
>> that someone has plans to take the time to complete this todo item?
> As a workaround, can't you just insert the text as if the user chose
> that completion. Get the cursor for the new text, pretending like it was
> there all along, and then extract the information you want from the cursor.
> You just need to insert the text in the buffer without actually
> displaying it visually.
> Although I have no idea how efficient this will be.
I am using a modified version of a clang_complete based vim
configuration from
which is maintained by a friend of mine, and differs in the following
- On unsuccessfull completion of clang, he tries others, such as omni.
- On vim's launching, it automatically create the configuration file
that clang_complete needs in order to gives the libclang the correct
parameters. (Note that if this file is manually modified, vim will use
the manual version, and will not try to regenerate it.)
- It uses super-tab for completion.
That slows the launching of vim, and as a consequence I don't think such
a solution will be usable enough to be integrated.
Armand /Marman/ Leclercq
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