[cfe-dev] Discussion: should we enforce access control in C++ attributes?
Delesley Hutchins
delesley at google.com
Wed Oct 31 15:21:14 PDT 2012
A number of users have recently expressed frustration with fact that
access-control restrictions (i.e. public, private, etc.) are enforced
within thread safety attributes. I am considering whether or not I
should lift those restrictions, and this is not a decision that I want
to make unilaterally. There are some potentially far-reaching
ramifications here in terms of how attributes are handled in C++ in
general, so I want get feedback from cfe-dev before blindly forging
ahead. Be warned that this is a somewhat long post. I will try to lay
out the problem, along with the pros and cons as I seem them. I would
love to hear what the rest of you think.
Here's the problem. Thread-safety attributes are attached to fields
or methods, and name the protecting mutex for that field or method.
Most often, the protecting mutex is a private or protected data
member. For example:
class TaskQueue {
logfile << "Task queue acquired by " << getCurrentThreadID() << "\n";
void unlock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION(mu) {
virtual void addTask(int taskID) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mu) {
void addTaskSync(int taskID) {
Mutex mu;
std::deque<int> queue GUARDED_BY(mu);
class CheckedTaskQueue : public TaskQueue {
bool validTask(int id);
// error: TaskQueue::mu is private
virtual void addTask(int taskID) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mu) {
if (validTask(taskID)) TaskQueue::addTask(taskID);
// error: q->mu is private.
void addTwoTasks(TaskQueue* q, int t1, int t2) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(q->mu) {
This example illustrates how thread safety annotations are used, for
readers who are unfamiliar with them. TaskQueue provides two ways to
add tasks to a queue in a thread-safe manner. The addTaskSync()
method takes care of locking and unlocking automatically, while the
addTask() method requires the caller to lock and unlock the queue.
Because addTask() is marked with EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED,
thread-safety analysis will issue a warning at compile time if
addTask() is called when the lock is not held.
A problem arises because mu is private. It is an error to override
addTask() in derived classes, because overriding requires mentioning
"mu" again in the attribute, and that violates access control
restrictions. Similarly, it is impossible to create external
functions like addTwoTasks(), because the locking requirements
propagate up, and "mu" isn't visible outside of TaskQueue.
Fortunately, there's a relatively simple workaround, which is to
declare a public getter method for the mutex. The main issue here is
that "mu" is private for a reason; we want clients of the class to go
through TaskQueue::lock() and unlock(), rather than acquiring the
mutex directly. There are two ways to keep the mutex from being
class Taskqueue {
// Option 1: const getter method.
const Mutex& getMu() const LOCK_RETURNED(mu) { return mu; }
// Option 2: fake getter that returns null.
const Mutex* getMu() const LOCK_RETURNED(mu) { return 0; }
class CheckedTaskQueue : public TaskQueue {
// error: TaskQueue::mu is private
virtual void addTask(int taskID) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(getMu())
Option 1 follows standard OO design practice -- use a public getter
method to provide limited access to a private variable. Attributes
outside of TaskQueue can refer to getMu() rather than mu, and
LOCK_RETURNED tells the analysis that mu and getMu() refer to the same
However, some users don't like Option 1, because a const reference can
easily become a real reference with a simple const_cast, and they want
stronger protection. Option 2 provides the extra protection, but it's
a bit weird. It exploits the fact that thread-safety analysis only
looks at the LOCK_RETURNED attribute, not the body of the method.
Many users don't like the fact that their code becomes littered with
public getter methods that are never actually called, and have bogus
I can see both sides of the argument here, so I'll do my best to
present a case both for and against enforcing access control
Argument in favor of disabling access control in attributes.
Thread-safety attributes are used only by thread-safety analysis at
compile time; they do not affect the run-time behavior of the code.
Referring to a private mutex in an attribute therefore does not break
encapsulation, because the expression will never be evaluated.
In practice, mutexes are almost always private, so the thread-safety
analysis should natively support using private mutexes in attributes.
It is ugly and unnecessary to force users to declare every mutex twice
-- once as a data member, and once as a getter method. This is
especially true because the getter methods are never called; they're
bogus methods that are present only to get around the public/private
Argument in favor of keeping access control enabled (which is the status quo):
Thread-safety attributes, like type signatures, are part of the
published interface to a class, and would (ideally) be part of any
generated documentation, such as that produced by doxygen. It is bad
engineering practice to allow private members and other implementation
details to appear in the public interface of a class. Generated
documentation does not mention private members, so we get into
situations where the documented interface mentions names that are not
declared anywhere in the documented interface.
Moreover, thread-safety attributes may contain arbitrary C++
expressions, e.g. this->field1->field2->someMethod()->mu. If access
control is turned off, it is turned off for the entire expression. I
have seen real-world use cases in which an attribute goes through 3 or
4 private fields in order to find the controlling mutex. That's bad
programming practice, it exposes implementation details, and it
shouldn't be allowed.
Discussion: public & private in type signatures:
A final argument in favor of keeping access control enabled is that a
good language extension should obey the semantics of the host
language. The closest analog in this case is the use of private type
members within public method signatures. The C++ language allows
this, but clients of the class will encounter problems very similar to
the ones described above. For example:
class Foo {
class PrivateFoo {
int a;
PrivateFoo pf_;
virtual PrivateFoo* getPrivateFoo() { return &pf_; }
void test() {
Foo f;
f.getPrivateFoo()->a = 0; // legal in C++, illegal in Java.
Foo::PrivateFoo* pf = f.getPrivateFoo(); // illegal
auto pf2 = f.getPrivateFoo(); // legal in C++; (no auto in Java)
class FooDerived : public Foo {
virtual PrivateFoo* getPrivateFoo() { return 0; } // illegal
In Java, which arguably has the more consistent approach to private
types, neither the name nor the structure of a private type are
visible outside of the class in which it is defined. Thus, a call to
f.getPrivateFoo()->a (or it's Java equivalent) is rejected by the
compiler, because the structure of PrivateFoo (and thus the fact that
it has a member named a) is not visible within the test() method. In
Java the rule is simple: don't use private types in public interfaces.
In C++, the situation is a bit more confusing. The name of a private
type is restricted, but the structure of a private type is visible.
So C++ allows the first call, because PrivateFoo::a is visible.
However, you cannot create a variable to hold the intermediate value,
because PrivateFoo itself is private. Except in C++11, where you can
use the auto keyword to avoid referring to the type by name. But if
you create a virtual method that refers to the private type, then C++
does not allow you to override it, again because you have to refer to
the type by name. IMHO, the general rule in C++ also appears to be:
don't use private types in public interfaces, because you will just
cause trouble for yourself.
Regardless of whether the C++ model makes sense, the current
implementation of thread-safety analysis actually matches it quite
closely. As shown earlier, you can use private mutexes in attributes
on public methods, but you will not be allowed to override those
methods in derived classes, and you may or may not be able to use them
outside of the class, depending on the situation.
Discussion: argument from first principles.
Assuming that we abandon established language precedent, what *should*
thread-safety analysis be doing?
The fundamental problem here is that thread-safety analysis conflates
two distinct concepts. There is a difference between the mutex
object, (i.e. an object with Lock() and Unlock() methods), and the
region of memory that a mutex controls. The mutex object should be
private, because you don't want clients of a class to be able to lock
and unlock it arbitrarily. However, the memory region (or at least,
the name of the region) should be public. Regions are not an
implementation detail. If a class has more than one region, and does
not do locking internally, then clients of the class need to know
which regions are being read or modified by a particular method. (For
a good paper on regions, threading, and type-and-effect systems, I
recommend "A Type and Effect System for Deterministic Parallel Java",
OOPSLA 2009. As that paper shows, you can prove thread safety using
regions alone, without any mutexes at all.)
That being said, conflating the region name and the mutex name is very
convenient from a practical programming standpoint. Ideally, we want
the best of both worlds. We want to publicly expose the mutex *name*,
while keeping the actual mutex *object* private. Going back to the
private type analogy, this would correspond to a privacy model where
the name of an internal type was visible, but the implementation of
the type was not visible. (Recall that C++ does the opposite -- the
name is private, but the implementation is public.) There are several
academic languages, most notably the ML module system, that do exactly
this, and it works well. Unfortunately, C++ provides no such
Given the limitations of C++, public getter methods are actually a
decent way of enforcing the mutex/region distinction. The getter
method names a region, while the mutex provides a private object which
can be used to gain exclusive access to the region.
On the other hand, turning off access control would also make the
mutex name visible, at least in those places where it matters, without
actually exposing the mutex object. It has the unfortunate
side-effect of making everything visible within attributes (not just
the mutex names), and it does not make the mutex name visible in
documentation, but perhaps those are reasonable compromises to get
around limitations in the C++ privacy model.
What does everyone else think?
DeLesley Hutchins | Software Engineer | delesley at google.com | 505-206-0315
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