[cfe-dev] warning if method availability is newer than minimum deployment target

Richard tarka.t.otter at googlemail.com
Sun Oct 28 04:41:50 PDT 2012

On 28 Oct 2012, at 06:00, Ted Kremenek <kremenek at apple.com> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> I think it would be easy to add a warning that checks if a use API is newer than the minimum deployment target, but I would not want that warning to go into mainline Clang because (1) most developers would hate the warning as it would produce too many false positives and (2) I believe we can do much better than that.  While it might be "hard" to get it right, I think it is quite doable.
> I'm curious about your last comment, that "unless a standard convention is used it is going to be almost impossible to do well."  Can you elaborate?  I thought there were standard conventions for checking for weak linked APIs, etc?
> Cheers,
> Ted

hey ted,

perhaps you are right, maybe i was just being too lazy. the current documentation on using weakly linked apis is here:


so maybe it is as simple as checking that every call to an api newer than the minimum deployment target is contained in a block like this example:

if ([UIImagePickerController instancesRespondToSelector:@selector (availableCaptureModesForCameraDevice:)]) {
    // Method is available for use.
} else {
    // Method is not available.

but i have the feeling there are some edge cases to take care of here, as well as handling C apis.
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