[cfe-dev] recent change broke -fcatch-undefined-behavior

Sean McBride sean at rogue-research.com
Thu Nov 22 16:14:12 PST 2012

On Tue, 20 Nov 2012 19:08:48 -0800, Richard Smith said:

>Sorry, I don't know which Xcode versions correspond to which Clang

Don't think anyone outside Apple does. :(

>Clang has supported __int128 since r153999, which landed on
>3rd April, and was included in the Clang 3.1 release.

The current Xcode (4.5.2) says:

Apple clang version 4.1 (tags/Apple/clang-421.11.66) (based on LLVM 3.1svn)

I fear it may discourage OS X users from playing with open source clang, when the only compiler they have to bootstrap it is the clang binary from Xcode, which apparently is too old. :(

>> Anyway, now -fcatch-undefined-behavior works, yay!  Umm, I mean -
>fsanitize=undefined. :)
>I'm happy to hear it.

I spoke a bit soon... it certainly works way better than before, but I still get link errors building if I use the 'vptr' sanitizer with C++ code.  ex:

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "__ZTIN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE", referenced from:
      __ZN7__ubsan16checkDynamicTypeEPvS0_m in libclang_rt.ubsan_osx.a(ubsan_type_hash.cc.o)
      __ZL21isDerivedFromAtOffsetPKN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoES2_l in libclang_rt.ubsan_osx.a(ubsan_type_hash.cc.o)
  "__ZTIN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE", referenced from:
      __ZL21isDerivedFromAtOffsetPKN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoES2_l in libclang_rt.ubsan_osx.a(ubsan_type_hash.cc.o)
  "__ZTIN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE", referenced from:
      __ZL21isDerivedFromAtOffsetPKN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoES2_l in libclang_rt.ubsan_osx.a(ubsan_type_hash.cc.o)


Sean McBride, B. Eng                 sean at rogue-research.com
Rogue Research                        www.rogue-research.com 
Mac Software Developer              Montréal, Québec, Canada

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