[cfe-dev] Obtaining C++ AST.

Slav slavmfm at gmail.com
Wed May 16 13:38:26 PDT 2012

I am traying to get AST of specified file and iterate trough it. Here is my

class MyDiagnosticConsumer: public clang::DiagnosticConsumer
    clang::DiagnosticConsumer* clone(clang::DiagnosticsEngine &Diags) const
        return new MyDiagnosticConsumer;

class MyModuleLoader: public clang::ModuleLoader
    clang::Module* loadModule(clang::SourceLocation importLoc,
clang::ModuleIdPath path, clang::Module::NameVisibilityKind visibility,
bool isInclusionDirective)
        //just do some parsing, forget about modules:
        return NULL;

class MyASTConsumer: public clang::SemaConsumer

    bool HandleTopLevelDecl(clang::DeclGroupRef D)
        //never get here...

        return true;

    void HandleTranslationUnit(clang::ASTContext &Ctx)
        //not here either...

int main()
    clang::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<clang::DiagnosticIDs> diags;
    MyDiagnosticConsumer dc;
    clang::DiagnosticsEngine de(diags, &dc, false);
    clang::Diagnostic d(&de);

    clang::TargetOptions to;
    to.Triple = llvm::Triple::getArchTypeName(llvm::Triple::x86);
    clang::TargetInfo* ti = clang::TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo(de, to);

    clang::FileSystemOptions fso;
    clang::FileManager fm(fso);
    clang::SourceManager sm(de, fm);

    clang::LangOptions lo;
    clang::HeaderSearch hs(fm, de, lo, ti);

    MyModuleLoader ml;

    clang::Preprocessor p(de, lo, ti, sm, hs, ml);

    const clang::FileEntry* file = fm.getFile("test.cpp");

    clang::IdentifierTable it(lo);
    clang::SelectorTable st;
    clang::Builtin::Context b_c;
    clang::ASTContext astContext(lo, sm, ti, it, st, b_c, 0);
    MyASTConsumer astConsumer;
    clang::Sema s(p, astContext, astConsumer);
    clang::Parser parser(p, s, false);

    clang::Parser::DeclGroupPtrTy result;
        if ( result.get().isSingleDecl() )
            clang::Decl* decl = result.get().getSingleDecl();

            clang::FunctionDecl* fd =

            if ( fd->hasBody() )
                clang::Stmt* s = fd->getBody();
                //don't know what to do with obtained statement...
        else if ( result.get().isDeclGroup() )
            clang::DeclGroup& declGroup = result.get().getDeclGroup();


    return 0;

test.cpp is:
int main()
    return 5;

Am I on a wrong way? How is it need to parse files and iterate trough
resulting AST?
Thank you.
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