[cfe-dev] template instantiation, typedef used as template argument and dependent type for data members.
Philippe Canal
pcanal at fnal.gov
Mon Jun 25 09:52:40 PDT 2012
In the context of ROOT (<http://root.cern.ch>), it's automated I/O of C++
objects, and of the cling Interpreter (<http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/cling>,
we are strongly hindered by the fact that template instantiations that have
a typedef as template parameter 'forget' about it in the AST (at least
as far as the data members and member functions of the template instance
are concerned).
In ROOT I/O we use two typedefs (Float16_t and Double32_t) to indicates
that even-though the data member should have full precision while in
memory and while involved in computation, when being stored they
should be stored with lower precision.
When using for example:
// Start of file templateAndTypedef.C
// This typedef indicates that the user would
// like to store the data on disk with only
// 32 bits of precision.
typedef double Double32_t;
// This typedef indicates that the user would
// like to store the data on disk with only
// 16 bits of precision.
typedef float Float16_t;
template <typename T>
class Data
Float16_t m_Common;
T m_UserDetermined;
class Event {
Data<double> m_FullPrecision;
Data<Double32_t> m_LimitedRange;
// end of file templateAndTypedef.C
we get:
clang++ -cc1 -ast-dump templateAndTypedef.C
typedef double Double32_t;
typedef float Float16_t;
template <typename T = double> class Data {
class Data;
Float16_t m_Common;
double m_UserDetermined;
template <typename T> class Data {
class Data;
Float16_t m_Common;
T m_UserDetermined;
class Event {
class Event;
Data<double> m_FullPrecision;
Data<Double32_t> m_LimitedRange;
Which in particular means that when we follow the AST nodes
from the class Event down to inside the type of m_LimitedRange,
we are brought to 'just' the content of the generic Data<double>
instantiation. Where in particular we have lost the
information that 'm_UserDetermined' was 'meant' by the user
to be a Double32_t. In contrast, we still have the information
that the developer meant that m_Common should be a Float16_t.
Having access to the 'intended' type description from a template
instantiation is here fundamental for the ROOT I/O mechanism
to work properly (the semantic and on file format of 'double'
and 'Double32_t' being very different).
Using an alternative to the typedef for this purpose has its
own set of problems as we also need things like
std::vector<Double32_t> and std::vector<double> to be
interchangeable (for example as far as parameter passing
is concerned).
In addition to our use case, having access to this type
of information could be useful for a document generator
or to clarify/simplify some error messages. For example:
// start of stringError.C
#include <string>
#include <vector>
void test ()
std::vector<std::string> vec;
// end of stringError.C
when compiled with clang, the output currently contains the error message:
stringError.C:8:18: error: reference to type 'const value_type' (aka 'const std::basic_string<char>') could not bind to an rvalue of
type 'double'
which would be even nicer, if reading:
stringError.C:8:18: error: reference to type 'const value_type' (aka 'const std::string') could not bind to an rvalue of type 'int'
where 'std::basic_string<char>' has been replaced by 'std::string'.
In first approximation, one plausible step could be to generate a distinct
template instantiations for each of the cases with distinct typedef
as a template argument and a template instantiation for the case
without typedef as a template argument (i.e. the primary template
instantiation). And then make sure that for the rest of the semantic
analysis vector<Double32_t> and vector<double> are
treated as equivalent/interchangeable/aliases.
Any ideas/thoughts on if and how being able to access the intended
type of a template instantiation's members whose type depends on the
template parameter(s) could be supported in any way?
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