[cfe-dev] Clang: Pass by const-ref C++0x

Lewis, Jason jason.lewis at gentex.com
Wed Jun 6 09:42:42 PDT 2012


I've been working with Clang for a couple of days and I can't help feeling like I am missing something. When I parse out the following:

void HandleBlah(std::string const& in, std::string& out)
    // do something

It doesn't seem to recognize the qualifier const. However if I omit the reference it seems as though it works. It doesn't seem as if there is any indication either in ParmVarDecl or Qualifiers or QualType that a developer can deduce if the parameter is a pointer or reference type. How can I detect whether or not a parameter is a reference? I suspect it is something to do in how I have set up my project. I am using a SemaConsumer being passed into the Process function and I only care about top level function declarations. Thank you in advance!


To summarize the setup:

*            To use:
*            0) Create compiler instance
*            1) Create a stream with NewOutputStream
 *            2) Call Setup with obvious parameters.
*            3) Create your consumer object.
*            4) Call Process with your consumer.

// clangutils dependencies
#include "clang-utils/ClangHeaders.h"
#include "clang-utils/ClangLogger.h"
#include "clang-utils/ClangUtils.h"

// std dependencies
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

namespace clangutils

typedef llvm::raw_fd_ostream* OutputStream;

* Stream all of the errors related to parsing/semantic analyzing to a
 * file called b.out. The parsing/semantic analyzing is all built in and
 * there is guaranteed to be errors so just do this.
* @param compInst The compiler instance.
* @param name The name of the file to create.
* @return a newly allocated output stream.
inline OutputStream NewOutputStream(clang::CompilerInstance& compInst, std::string const& name)
    OutputStream outputStream = compInst.createOutputFile(name);
    return outputStream;

* The setup for the clang parser.
* @param compInst The compiler instance we want to set up.
* @param includePaths The container of include paths to add in.
* @param outputStream A stream object being used by this diagnostic.
inline void Setup( int argc
                 , char** argv
                 , clang::CompilerInstance& compInst
                 , std::vector<std::string> const& includePaths
                 , OutputStream outputStream
                 , std::string const& filename )
    // This is an important line because it sets up the compiler for C++.
    compInst.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus = 1;
    compInst.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus0x = 1;

    clang::DiagnosticOptions& diagnosticOptions = compInst.getDiagnosticOpts();

    clang::FileSystemOptions fileSystemOptions;
    clang::FileManager& fileManager = compInst.getFileManager();

    clang::TextDiagnosticPrinter* printer =
        new clang::TextDiagnosticPrinter( *outputStream
                                        , diagnosticOptions
                                        , false );

    compInst.createDiagnostics(argc, argv, printer);

    clang::TargetOptions targetOptions;
    targetOptions.Triple = llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple();
    clang::TargetInfo *pTargetInfo =
        clang::TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo( compInst.getDiagnostics()
                                           , targetOptions);


    // Obtain the preprocessor. This is needed so we can modify its search
    // path and its predefines.
    clang::Preprocessor& preprocessor = compInst.getPreprocessor();

    // Use the header search path and add directories to it.
    clang::HeaderSearch& headerSearch = preprocessor.getHeaderSearchInfo();

    // Grab the default source manager.
    clang::SourceManager& sourceManager = compInst.getSourceManager();

    for(size_t i=0; i<includePaths.size(); ++i)
        clang::DirectoryEntry const* directoryEntry = fileManager.getDirectory(includePaths[i]);
        clang::DirectoryLookup lookup(directoryEntry, clang::SrcMgr::C_System, false, false);
        headerSearch.AddSearchPath(lookup, true);
        headerSearch.AddSearchPath(lookup, false);

    const clang::FileEntry *pFile = fileManager.getFile(filename);

    clang::TargetInfo const &targetInfo = *pTargetInfo;

* Perform a tear down operation.
* @param compInst The compiler instance.
* @param outputStream the output stream to use.
* @param consumer The consumer.
template <typename T>
void Process( clang::CompilerInstance& compInst
            , OutputStream outputStream
            , T& consumer )
    // Obtain the preprocessor. This is needed so we can modify its search
    // path and its predefines.
    clang::Preprocessor& preprocessor = compInst.getPreprocessor();

    clang::Sema* sema = new clang::Sema( preprocessor, compInst.getASTContext(), consumer);

    compInst.getDiagnosticClient().BeginSourceFile(compInst.getLangOpts(), &preprocessor);
    clang::ParseAST(preprocessor, &consumer, compInst.getASTContext());

    delete outputStream;



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