[cfe-dev] Cambridge LLVM Social

Renato Golin rengolin at systemcall.org
Mon Jul 30 01:34:09 PDT 2012

The tentative date for the next Cambridge LLVM Social is Wed 22nd
October, 7:30pm at the Cambridge Blue.


If you haven't done so yet, you can subscribe to our calendar to know
when the next one will be:


Most people feel Wednesdays are the best days, so if you really want
to come, but cannot on the 22nd, we should re-schedule for another
Wed, possibly the 29th.

So far we haven't had any specific topics, but since most attendees
use LLVM for cross-compilation (and ARM is always present), I think we
should try to tackle the cross-compilation problem in the Clang

I'll be taking notes and will post them on the list after the meeting
for consideration.



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