[cfe-dev] C++ analysis priorities
Anna Zaks
ganna at apple.com
Fri Jan 13 19:08:46 PST 2012
On Jan 13, 2012, at 3:47 PM, Jean-Daniel Dupas wrote:
> Le 13 janv. 2012 à 23:28, Anna Zaks a écrit :
>> Having annotations is something we are definitely interested in.
>> I think, one reason why we still do not have them is that designing expressive enough annotations is not a trivial task. Writing an effective checker for the most popular functions first would provide feedback on what they should be.
>> Do you have examples on the specific scenarios on what you'd like to annotate (or are you mostly talking about the malloc/free like pairs)?
> AFAIk, if this is for malloc/free pairs, you can use the ownership attributes (ownership_holds, ownership_returns, ownership_takes).
> void __attribute((ownership_returns(malloc))) *malloc(size_t);
> void __attribute((ownership_takes(malloc, 1))) free(void *);
> If you have your own allocator that is not malloc based, you can use an other identifier.
> void __attribute((ownership_returns(my_pool))) *my_malloc(size_t);
> void __attribute((ownership_takes(my_pool, 1))) my_free(void *);
Yes, indeed. These are currently supported by the experimental malloc checker.
However, we definitely could use annotations on a larger scale.
>> Thanks,
>> Anna.
>> On Jan 13, 2012, at 10:55 AM, Ahmed Charles wrote:
>>> Slightly off topic, but something I've been wondering for a while.
>>> Without actually investing this, but instead just reading the list, it
>>> seems that most of the checkers that are written are specific to known
>>> functions. For example, the malloc checker works for known allocation
>>> functions rather than arbitrary ones. Is there a reason why there isn't
>>> an effort to make this more extensible so that any function that is
>>> annotated to be an allocation function can benefit from the malloc
>>> checker (other than the obvious issue of resources and prioritization)?
>>> And similar for other checkers. I'm mostly interested in why this
>>> possibility is never explicitly talked about.
>>> From: Ted Kremenek
>>> Sent: 1/11/2012 9:08 PM
>>> To: Tom Care
>>> Cc: cfe-dev at cs.uiuc.edu
>>> Subject: Re: [cfe-dev] C++ analysis priorities
>>> On Jan 11, 2012, at 5:47 PM, Tom Care wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm looking at possibly contributing to C++ analysis support over the next few months as part of a master's project. I have a rough idea of things that need to be implemented, but I am not sure how to prioritise them. I am hoping that the community can assist me here - what is currently stopping your programs from being analyzed?
>>>> My general goal is to implement features that will assist in analyzing the LLVM/Clang codebase, however looking at the current code it seems that existing support for some language features will have to be improved as well (eg ctor/dtors.)
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Tom
>>> Hi Tom,
>>> I see that C++ support can grow in largely two directions:
>>> (1) Core infrastructure, with interprocedural support for inlining C++
>>> constructors/destructors to support RAII. This entails a bunch of
>>> intermediate infrastructure work to get there.
>>> (2) Checkers. Having C++-specific checkers will make the analyzer
>>> more useful for C++ developers. This could be as simple as catching
>>> mismatches between new[] and delete/new and delete[], and many others,
>>> including providing checkers for correct usage of widely used C++ APIs
>>> (e.g., Boost).
>>> I think both are worth making progress on, and to do (2) some progress
>>> will likely need to be made on (1).
>>> As far as infrastructure work, here are some areas that need work:
>>> (a) Better representation of C++ constructor and destructor calls in
>>> the CFG. There is a bunch already there, but as it has been observed
>>> on the list lately there are serious deficiencies and outright bugs.
>>> Ideally we should be able to represent the complete initialization
>>> logic of a constructor in the CFG, from calling the constructor of a
>>> parent class to correctly sequencing the initializers.
>>> Along this trajectory, there are various optimizations we can do to
>>> the CFG representation itself to make it easier to represent
>>> destructor calls. What we do know is a bit complicated, IMO.
>>> (b) ExprEngine "inlining" support for C++ constructors/destructors.
>>> Interprocedural analysis is one area we would like to grow the
>>> analyzer, and one technique to do that is to simply "inline" function
>>> calls for function bodies that are available. Some of this has been
>>> prototyped in the analyzer already, and there is currently work on
>>> making it more solid, at least for inlining simple functions. Being
>>> able to do this *well* for simple C++ objects that are used for RAII,
>>> for example, will be really critical for making some checkers really
>>> shine for C++.
>>> (c) Support for additional C++ expressions. In ExprEngine::Visit(),
>>> you can see a whole bunch of C++ AST expression kinds that are simply
>>> not handled, and halt static analysis altogether:
>>> case Stmt::CXXBindTemporaryExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::CXXCatchStmtClass:
>>> case Stmt::CXXDependentScopeMemberExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::CXXPseudoDestructorExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::CXXThrowExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::CXXTryStmtClass:
>>> case Stmt::CXXTypeidExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::CXXUuidofExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::CXXUnresolvedConstructExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::CXXScalarValueInitExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::DependentScopeDeclRefExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::UnaryTypeTraitExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::BinaryTypeTraitExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::ArrayTypeTraitExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::ExpressionTraitExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::UnresolvedLookupExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::UnresolvedMemberExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::CXXNoexceptExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::PackExpansionExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::SubstNonTypeTemplateParmPackExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::SEHTryStmtClass:
>>> case Stmt::SEHExceptStmtClass:
>>> case Stmt::SEHFinallyStmtClass:
>>> Further, there are some AST expressions we handle, but don't do a good job:
>>> // We don't handle default arguments either yet, but we can fake it
>>> // for now by just skipping them.
>>> case Stmt::SubstNonTypeTemplateParmExprClass:
>>> case Stmt::CXXDefaultArgExprClass:
>>> and support for C++ lambdas as they become real in Clang.
>>> Infrastructure is only part of the story; ultimately people want to
>>> find bugs. Some possible checkers include:
>>> (1) mismatched new/delete[] new[]/delete, or malloc() and delete, etc.
>>> (2) productizing the invalid iterator checker
>>> (3) making sure a destructor blows away everything a constructor
>>> creates/initializes. This is a hard one, but could be REALLY useful
>>> if done well. This could easily take up a good portion of your thesis
>>> work, and would be interesting work to write about.
>>> (4) Various checks for "Effective C++" rules.
>>> (5) securely using std::string, i.e.
>>> http://www.cert.org/archive/pdf/sd-bestpractices-strings060914.pdf
>>> (6) CERT's C++ secure coding standard,
>>> https://www.securecoding.cert.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=637,
>>> lots of potential checks here, not all of them specific to c++, but
>>> general goodness.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ted
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