[cfe-dev] [RFC] Tutorial for Clang Analyzer Plugins

Sean Silva silvas at purdue.edu
Sun Dec 30 18:48:05 PST 2012

On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 6:56 PM, Sam Handler
<samuel.handler+cfedev at gmail.com> wrote:
> On a related note: are there plans to convert the analyzer documentation
> (and other items in www/) from HTML to RST format? I put the tutorial in RST
> format because I saw that that is the format that Clang documentation is
> moving towards. If such a conversion is imminent, I would probably want to
> wait until it is complete before attempting to merge the two documents.

There are some issues with moving the www/ analyzer stuff. See the
thread started by the commit email for r170260. Basically the analyzer
is considered a separate project although it lives inside the clang
tree. Arranging things to enable the analyzer to transition to rst
would require some work on the llvm.org server. I'm not exactly sure
what would need to change, but I'm not currently empowered to do
anything there so no forward progress is being made in that regard.

Until that is sorted out, I think that it would make sense to just put
this in clang/docs/ so that people can read it and learn from it.

On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 6:56 PM, Sam Handler
<samuel.handler+cfedev at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is having a completely self-contained tutorial useful?

Yes, very much so. A written tutorial has advantages/disadvantages
compared to a slideshow+video tutorial. Also, the checker dev manual
is just that: a manual, not a tutorial.

-- Sean Silva

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