[cfe-dev] [ANN] CGO Tutorial on MCLinker and LLVM 2013 - Call for Participation
陳韋任 (Wei-Ren Chen)
chenwj at iis.sinica.edu.tw
Fri Dec 14 03:17:43 PST 2012
Dear Clang user and developer,
We get a chance to give a tutorial on LLVM and MCLinker. The tutorial will
be co-located with CGO 2013 on Feb. 24 (Sunday morning) in Shenzhen, China.
If you are also interesting in these topics, welcome to join the tutorial!
Here is a website of the tutorial: http://code.google.com/p/mclinker/
We're also looking for additional presenters to share a section about
LLVM target backend or IR. If you have any thought, please don't hesitate
to let me know.
Here is the detail of the tutorial:
==== Abstract =====
The tutorial targets both researchers and students who are interested in
using LLVM and MCLinker. This tutorial provides a detailed look at LLVM
and MCLinker, esp., how to use them and how they work together.
==== About MCLinker and LLVM ====
Generating a program from source code can be simply separated into two
processes - compilation and linking.
LLVM is a compiler infrastructure that is designed for optimizing
programs in all stages of compilation, from source code to relocatable
objects. It is an integral part of Apple's development tools. It's also
the core of several modern languages and compilers, such as Android
Renderscript and many OpenCL JIT compilers.
MCLinker is a toolchain infrastructure for optimizing programs in all
stages of linking, from relocatable objects to executable programs. It
is one of the standard linker in Google Android system since Jelly Bean.
MCLinker, designed for on-device linking, is the fastest and smallest
linker in the open-source area.
Combining LLVM and MCLinker, we have a versatile tool, or say a Swiss
army knife. For example, compiler developers can fully control all
stages of compilation and linking of a program. The other example,
virtual machine developers can easily leverage operating system's
loader. They do not need to handle with all details of linking and
loading any more.
==== Tutorial Topics ====
A summary of topics to be covered:
- the architecture of MCLinker and LLVM,
- the details of intermediate representations of MCLinker and LLVM,
- the interaction between MCLinker and LLVM
==== Target Audience ====
- Compiler developers
- Virtual machine developers
- Researchers in compiler theory and practice, especially those are
interested in ahead-of-time compilation
- Students interested in compiler theory and/or who are taking compiler
==== Call for Participation and Speaker ====
We're looking for additional presenter to give us a talk about LLVM
target backend or IR. If you're interesting in giving a talk about LLVM,
please send a mail to Wei-Ren Chen <chenwj at iis.sinica.edu.tw> or
Luba Tang <lubatang at gmail.com>.
For more information, please visit the http://www.cgo.org/cgo2013 ,
or the tutorial webpage http://code.google.com/p/mclinker/wiki/2013CGOTutorial
- The CGO Tutorial on MCLinker and LLVM 2013 committee
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