[cfe-dev] Extending Clang with information and code from external source

Mark Boyall wolfeinstein at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 20:25:16 PDT 2012

Hi all,

I'm attempting to build an external tool on top of Clang which is
approximately (but not exactly) a C++ interpreter. Unfortunately, many of
the terms used in Clang are quite generic and not searchable- seems like
every compiler in the world ever made uses VarDecl as a type name, and I've
had little luck finding documented examples of the C++ API. On top of that,
the (not exactly) parts are causing me quite some headache. To begin with,
I've been looking at how I'd interpret a simple Hello World program. But
I've been a little stumped by some of the Sema's functionality, and have a
few questions about how it can be used.

Particularly, there is a function
I need to use. But it takes expressions as arguments, rather than types? I
thought that the C++ Standard defined ADL in terms of the argument types.
More specifically,

How do I convert a VarDecl to an Expr* so that it can be passed to this
function? Logically, I want to pass this object, not it's initializer, and
the documentation list only appears to allow me to convert the initializer
to an Expr*.

More generally, I'm talking about the "approximately (but not exactly) a
C++ interpreter", and we're talking about arguments which do not originate
from C++ source code and do not have a Clang Expr* to be used, and
possibly, there is no C++ equivalent expression that could ever exist-
although there is a C++-equivalent argument type. How could I perform ADL
for operations for which there is no C++ expression?

I'm also facing fun when describing external types to Clang. For example, a
RecordType can only be constructed from a RecordDecl, even if I inherited
from RecordType, but no RecordDecl exists, because the description of this
type did not come from a C++ file parsed by Clang. It was created
externally. Even if I created a RecordDecl, it presents no methods to
insert data about the type. This isn't just POD types, but special members,
overloaded operators, and the whole shaboodle. In addition, I'm talking
about functions, variables, namespaces, and the whole shaboodle. How can I
use Clang's API to inform it of semantic objects that did not originate
from a file parsed by Clang?

I've looked at LookupOverloadedOperatorName<http://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1Sema.html#a6a7a57d213e7d5bf8d5cd44cfee83450>,
but apparently the only valid enum is OO_None. I don't think that
operator<< is None. How is it possible to use this function to look up an

Once the function has been looked up, I'm going to be needing to convert
the function to an LLVM representation, like llvm::Function*, so that I can
generate code which calls into these functions through LLVM. For complex
objects, I can read up on the ABI later, but for now, I wanted to focus on
simple objects. So far, I figured that once I look up the name, I can use
the MangleContext to mangle it, and then request the llvm::Function* from
the llvm::Module based on the mangled name. Then I can generate LLVM code,
link to the library and done. But where can I obtain the llvm::Module* from?

Thanks for any assistance.
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